Nibbles Hippo: Cupcake Reporter










Nibbles Hippo here, with coverage of the super-awesome cupcake competition! On this, the day before the fair, I’m going to visit all of the bakers and see how their last minute cupcake-creations are coming along. Come with me and let’s see if we can get a sneak preview of some entries!

Ah, here we are at Salley’s house. Now, Salley has been VERY busy getting everything ready. This whole fair was pretty much her idea, after all! Let’s see if we can chat with her for a second. I’ll just ring her doorbell and…

*Ten minutes (and several doorbell rings) later*

Hm. Doesn’t seem like she’s answering. No matter! We’ll hit Cowabelle’s house.  She’s just down the street, and she should be home, working hard on her cupcake.

Ah! Yes! I hear her footsteps. Let’s see if we can get an interview with her!

CC: Hi Nibbles. What’s up?
NH: I’m here to interview you!
CC: What do you mean? Interview me about what?
NH: Your cupcake! For tomorrow’s competition!
CC: Uh, no. That’s not going to happen. My cupcake is under wraps! I’m not telling you what I’m doing!
NH: Please? PLEASE?
CC: No. See you later, Nibbles.

Well. That didn’t go the way I imagined it would. So. Maybe we’ll visit Roberta’s place.
You know, readers, I honestly thought everyone would be SUPER excited to talk to me! Who doesn’t want to be interviewed?
OK, here we are.
What’s that on the door? A sign? It says “Nibbles, no one is going to tell you about their cupcakes ahead of time. Just come to the competition tomorrow.”
Rats. Cowabelle must have called her and warned her.
Well, readers, I guess that’s what we’ll do! Tomorrow, cupcake competition – be there!

17 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Cupcake Reporter

  1. SpikeDunbar says:

    hi everyone… well i feel sorry for nibbles! [: :roll: *hopping your way* -bunny-[:

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    I can`t wait.

  3. SapphireSea says:

    Giggles, I wouldn’t want people to know which cupcake was mine, either. And personally, I’m not sure I’d want to be interviewed in the first place. Of course, that’s just me. Yeah, people coming up and asking me a zillion questions sort of bugs me, you know what I mean?

  4. jazzyunicorn says:

    LOL! that’s pretty funny!

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Competition tends to foster secrets, Nibbles. It was nice of you to try to give us the news, but in this case, I think we all have to wait. :-)

  6. Cinderpelt says:

    LOL!!! That’s funny :D True… Who would want to be questioned about their secret cupcake? LOL


  7. mangomonster says:

    Funny can’t wait for the cupcake competition!

  8. jen says:

    That is so funny. lol :smile:

  9. SwedishLatte says:

    I laughed and laughed when I read this. :lol: Can’t wait to see who wins the contest!

  10. Emeraldleaf says:

    Yay! I can’t wait to see who wins!!! :)

    ~*Emeraldleaf*~ :mrgreen:

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