Nibbles Hippo: Filmmaker









Guess what? I heard about the coolest thing on TV this morning – yeah, I’m home sick again today – anyway, it’s a contest that I can enter. It’s a ‘young documentarian’ contest. That means that a kid makes a movie and a panel of judges watches it and then the winner gets KinzCash! How much KinzCash? One thousand smackeroos! The second prize is 500 KinzCash and the third prize is 200 KinzCash, so even if I don’t come in FIRST place, I’ll still be pretty happy! Now I just have to figure out what to make my film about. Looks like I’ve got a list of ideas to write!

24 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Filmmaker

  1. mooselover says:

    I can’t wait to see if you win, Nibbles!!!!

  2. hazelclaw says:

    wow thats awesome have fun and do great kk?

  3. carrera arim says:

    I would LOVE to make moves!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. rainbowPOTM says:

    Ganz, PLEASE put out the Grey Langurs song.
    Nibbles, you should do a classic story with a twist.

    proud 2B a Pet Of The Month,

  5. ppopl and 7s7k77e7s says:

    That sounds great Nibbles! Try doing it on your part of Kinz Vill! ;)

    ♪♫♪ppopl and 7s7k77e7s giving their advice♪♫♪

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    Cool…how about you make the flim about your friends.

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