Nibbles Hippo: Roving Reporter












Reporter-in-Training Nibbles Hippo here, asking students at the Kinzville Academy to share what they’re most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Salley: I’m thankful that I get to spend Christmas with my dad this year. Also, I’m thankful for my friends – and my vice-president Stoogles! I’m less thankful for my treasurer, Purr-Cilla.

Booger: I’m thankful I haven’t accidentally blown up the chemistry lab. I’m also thankful for Ms. Cowoline’s forgiving nature (especially after last week’s experiment…so many marshmallows…so much smoke).

Laurabeard: I’m thankful for my brother, Dogbeard! He’s coming home for Thanksgiving AND he’s bringing me some souvenirs from his latest voyage. I hope it’s not a box of sand like last time.

Malena: I’m thankful for my good looks, my sharp wit, and my magical powers.

Cowabelle: I’m thankful for my mom, my friends, yada, yada, yada. I’m also thankful that Christmas is almost here! And you know what that means…CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!

Nibbles: I’m thankful for my sister, my awesome friends, my family – and for the fact that it’s getting chillier outside. I LOVE the winter!


What are you thankful for, friends?


38 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Roving Reporter

  1. Gabriella♥ says:



  2. pinky says:

    im thankful for my house, my clothes, lots of things.

  3. me says:

    im thankful for my friends, and christmas!!!

  4. mw says:

    I am blessed with a loving, kind, funny family. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my family. The are my ultimate BFF’s they are my #1 supporters & will love me no matter how popular, cute, nerdy, and weird I am. My family encourages me even though I’m not always encouraging to them!

  5. SapphireSea says:

    Well, I’m thankfull for family and friends, pets, and pencils and paper and paints, good food and drinks, books, computer and TV, animals, fuzzy socks, a house to live in, warm clothes, salvation, electricity and running water… Ok, a lot. I have a lot to be thankfull for. Lots of people don’t have houses or food or warm coats or family. We’re lucky.

  6. OceanWings says:

    I’m Thankful for a lot of things, I’m thankful for my family, and my dog, and webkinz. I’m thankful for my house and for my yard. And for everyone in my neighborhood…..etc, etc…
    Happy Thanksgiving from,

  7. FireWolves says:

    LOL Salley! :lol:
    I’m Thankful For…………..
    Webkinz, :D
    Horses, :D
    All My Friends From Webkinz And Webkinz Newz! :D :D 8)
    Family and Friends, :) :D
    Food and Shelter And More! :D

  8. Veronica says:

    I’m thankful for Webkinz, (of course) my family, my pets, my home, food, you know all the jazz.

  9. Wittytaylorswiftgirl23 says:

    I am thankful for everything good in my life so.. everything because everything happens for a reason :D

    • Northwestern...I guess says:

      i’m thankful for my familly, including my awesome Aunt and my outstanding cousins. I’m thankful also for animals. I LOVE animals

      • Claire6land says:

        I’m thankful for my dog, my three rabbits, and my fish, plus I’m thankful to Irish dance and be in a high level in it, too.


        • sparklegirlLT says:

          I’m thankful for my family most of all, my cat, my house, and my friends. I ♥ Thanksgiving!!! I love Christmas too, it’s my favorite holiday, but Cowabelle, you should focus of Thanksgiving while it’s here. :)

          • lillyluvie says:

            I am thankful for my friends. :D Because without them…. yeah I probably wouldn’t be here. :(
            But happy early Thanksgiving to anyone and everyone! ;)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            Happy Thanksgiving back!

          • TheGameStar says:

            Thats really mean Salley! Jeez, you have to be so mean. Be nice. Purr-cilla isn’t the nicest person in the world, but she isn’t a a VERY mean bully either. (She not even a bully but she’s a little mean)Remember she helped you. Without her, well, lets not talk about that, lol ( let me see if i can do this smile :rotfl )


          • Kodiak...well says:

            I’m thankful for my pets in real life. I have a lot of pets. That’d be Taffy the dog, Harley the cat, and three tree frogs. (Tom’s live brothers). Oh, I’m also thankful that my sensitive nerve in my lower back hasn’t pinched up since last month. (My nerve piches up every once in a while for no reason at all) Last time, it pinched up worse than it usually does, and I couldn’t walk straight. It really stank, because I was stuck in bed for three days

          • Moonstar says:

            I think I am most thankful for my great grandma. I am thankful for the memories I have of her. -Moonstar◙◙◙

        • SwedishLatte says:

          I’m thankful for my family, my dog, my best friend, and my house.
          PS: Salley, let’s be nice to Purr-cilla. I know she’s not the sweetest candy in the jar, but deep down I think there’s good.

          • ktt08 says:

            Salley, please try your best to get along with Purr-cilla! She’s not the nicest person in the world but you don’t have to make a public announcement!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ ktt08 :)

      • sarahandlacey says:

        Thanksgiving isn’t about Christmas is almost here. It is about family. Christmas isn’t about the presents it is about giving and how it makes you feel inside. Salley please try to be nice. I’m thankful for my family and animals. ;-)

    • cookie kookoo © says:

      I’m thankful for my dogs, they make me smile every time i see them!

    • Crazy gal says:

      YEAH, COWABELLE!!! i LOVE christmas!!! and the presents i get ON christmas!!!! (GO CHRISTMAS!!!!=-)) but im thankful for lots of things!

      Crazy gal :mrgreen:

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