Nibbles Hippo: Roving Reporter












Reporter-in-Training Nibbles Hippo here, asking students at the Kinzville Academy to share what they’re most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Salley: I’m thankful that I get to spend Christmas with my dad this year. Also, I’m thankful for my friends – and my vice-president Stoogles! I’m less thankful for my treasurer, Purr-Cilla.

Booger: I’m thankful I haven’t accidentally blown up the chemistry lab. I’m also thankful for Ms. Cowoline’s forgiving nature (especially after last week’s experiment…so many marshmallows…so much smoke).

Laurabeard: I’m thankful for my brother, Dogbeard! He’s coming home for Thanksgiving AND he’s bringing me some souvenirs from his latest voyage. I hope it’s not a box of sand like last time.

Malena: I’m thankful for my good looks, my sharp wit, and my magical powers.

Cowabelle: I’m thankful for my mom, my friends, yada, yada, yada. I’m also thankful that Christmas is almost here! And you know what that means…CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!

Nibbles: I’m thankful for my sister, my awesome friends, my family – and for the fact that it’s getting chillier outside. I LOVE the winter!


What are you thankful for, friends?


38 Responses to Nibbles Hippo: Roving Reporter

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m thankful for my whole family,my friends,my home,food,clothes,books( LOVE to read),and webkinz!!!!! And Malena is Nafaria`s little sister.

  2. Cinderpelt says:

    Good report, Nibbles. And those are all great things to be thankful for everyone!!! (Yes, even the commenters :D ) I’m thankful for everything, just to say. For paper, pencils, flowers, trees, animals, my amazing house, and the fact that I’m different and taht nobody is ever exactly like me. :)


  3. bev10bff says:

    I’m thankful that I have a good life, great family and friends and for great food and I go to a GREAT school…(I did that because my list of thanks is SUPER long!)

    p.s. Who’s Malena? I’ve never hered of her
    p.p.s. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!:)

  4. supersleuth is very thankful says:

    I am thankful for my awesome family, my great friends, my nice teachers (even though they give me homework!) .

  5. queenicewolf says:

    i am thankful for my doggie, i am thankful for my family. friends. house. and other things, too.


  6. MDIChickadee says:

    P.S. Nibbles – thanks for a great job on this report!

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    Great list, Salley! I am thankful for my family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving (even if you are not in the US for our Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great day everyday!)

  8. tribbles says:

    For me…I’m thankful for the ability to walk without a cane or walker. I know its seems dumb, to most people. But its what I’m the most thankful for. I am also thankful for a Physical therapist that keeps me walking. Without him I wouldn’t be able to keep walking.

  9. 1pbc says:

    I’m thankful that my mom’s friend and her kids are coming for thanksgiving and for my dog and all my webkinz!

  10. Bailey says:

    I am thankful for a lot of things, the thing I am mostly thankful for is a sister.

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