Nibbles Talks to Plumpy


Dear Diary,

Today I finally got a chance to talk to Plumpy about what’s going to happen to me, now that she’s engaged to Charles (it still feels weird calling him that, but Plumpy says he’s going to be my brother-in-law, so I should get used to it).

Basically, she said that my Mom and Dad are going to see about cutting their work assignment short and coming home early. If that doesn’t work, she said that my grandma is REALLY enthusiastic about me going to live with her. Grandma is wonderful, of course, but she doesn’t live very close to Kinzville. I would have to move – and that means moving away from my friends. But moving in with Grandma WOULD be fun – and it would mean that I could see the rest of my family more often, because they live close to her.  

The one other option is living with Plumpy and Charles. The one tiny problem with that is that Plumpy doesn’t know where they’ll be living. After all, Charles is an important historian – he travels all over Webkinz World. Will Plumpy travel with him? I don’t know.

Plumpy said not to worry TOO much yet. She doesn’t even have a specific date planned for the wedding, so maybe this will all happen in, like, ten years. And I’ll be old enough to live by myself.

Not likely, but I can hope.

Plumpy said we can keep talking, and that she’ll tell me as soon as decisions need to be made. For now, though, she said to try to be calm and to know that no matter what, I’ll have someplace safe to live with someone who loves me.

That IS reassuring. I just wish things didn’t have to change at all.



39 Responses to Nibbles Talks to Plumpy

  1. Friend of Smile says:

    I feel so happy for Plumpy!!! She must be soooooo excited about the proposal. Good luck Plumpy. Nibbles what is so bad about Charles. I didn’t read the other story but, you should feel happy for Plumpy. Good luck with your dilemma!

  2. 118Potter118 says:

    Good Luck! Talk with your friends about it!

  3. SapphireSea says:

    She’s right, Nibbles, it’s good that you talked with her. And remember, even if you have to move, there’s still phone and email. I’m sure you’d still be able to see your friends, and make new ones, too. Don’t worry about it, it’ll work out fine.

  4. dune456 says:

    Change is alway hard. I commend you for looking at the good side of it all. It can be exciting to have changes in our lives as well as scary..

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    You know, Nibbles, it is not easy being you right now, with all this change happening *sometime.* But, you are a strong Kinz and I know you will find a way to make the best of the situation. And it really will all work out for the best for you. All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. wazzup says:

    Cheer Up Nibbles! And what u said was funny “She doesn’t even have a specific date planned for the wedding, so maybe this will all happen in, like, ten years. And I’ll be old enough to live by myself.” Well yes You CAN dream. But that will probably not happen. I know that you will be in a safe place and will live near Kinzville. (I hope so ;D) But what I KNOW for sure is that we will always be there for u. :D

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    I knew she would talk to Plumpy!!!!!!!!!!!

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