Challenge 4: Try drinking six glasses of water a day!













Hi. It’s Nibbles.I am trying to do the Lifestyle Challenge and get more active.

One thing that’s really important to remember when you’re doing any sort of physical activity or just in general, is to keep hydrated by drinking lots of water. In addition to replacing the fluids you lose when you sweat, water helps to cleanse your system, washing away toxins from your body. So I have been challenging myself to drink six glasses of water. At first I was trying to drink it all at once – not a good plan. But now I’m spreading it out throughout the day which makes it pretty easy. And I keep track of it on my fitness journal so I know how much I’ve had. Now I don’t get so thirsty when I play with my friends. I guess my body’s getting all the water it needs.

34 Responses to Challenge 4: Try drinking six glasses of water a day!

  1. Kevin says:

    Srsly? I drink about 15 daily

  2. natruefreak says:

    ha ha i’m drinking a glass of water right now :)
    this is probably the most easiest challenge ever!

  3. Katie says:

    I like the idea! I’ll try to do it. :) (;

  4. Hi? says:

    Seriously nibbles??? Drinking all that water at once! You must have blown up like a balloon! Not to mention having to use the bathroom…

  5. natruefreak says:

    SURE that’s easy

  6. VanillaCupcakeLoL says:

    How can’t I make this goal? I’m already drinking twice this amount. :)
    PS, :) I totally agree! Webkinz should make a water fountain for your pet’s room!!! There could also be a whole room theme devouted to being healthy!!! :) :) :)
    Hope this sounds good!!!

  7. waterlover says:

    I get really thirsty throughout the day. I drink 10 glasses a day!

  8. unet101 says:

    Ooh! I need to do that! I need to drink lots and lots! It would be j=fun to have a little water fountain in my room and drink like a cat or dog LOL.

  9. Heatherstem says:

    Good idea!

  10. pandypuni says:

    great ill try to do that!

    • Heatherstem says:

      What about water fountains?! I live off of those!!

      -Heatherstem ♥♥ :mrgreen: ♥♥

      • Boston ROCKs says:

        Ugh. Drinking it all at once, Nibbles? I bet that hurt. I bet stomach hurting wasn’t the only thing… :roll: :? :!:

      • FleetFoxes&Midlake - Best Bands ALIVE!! ♥♥♥ says:

        I know! With school starting, and a huge water bottle that probably counts as 4 glasses itself – HOW CAN I NOT MAKE THIS GOAL?!?!?!

        • FleetFoxes&Midlake - Best Bands ALIVE!! ♥♥♥ says:

          That was at Heatherstem, but I also agree with Time Bandit AKA Boston Rocks

        • Heatherstem says:

          Ugh. My water bottle pretty much weighs the same as my book bag. :? I understand what you mean – I get maybe 16 gpd. seeing that I fill mine up twice.

          • Heatherstem says:

            8) gpd = glasses per day, like mph 8)

          • Northwestern says:

            It’s always the same story every year. I have at least one bell chage at school where one class is on the oppisite side of the building, and there is no time to stop at your locker, so you have to carry all your books all day long, and between racing up three flights of stairs and across the whole building, by the time you get to your room, you are screaming for water! i bet this year won’t be any diffrent… :roll:

          • puppyluvver says:

            ugh me too! and this year they give us ONE MINUTE STOP AT OUR LOCKERS!!!! NOT ENOUGH!!! :(

          • Northwestern says:

            And at school, the teachers don’t want you leaving the room, but the restrooms are locked during bell changes, so I have to wait all day. By the end of the day, I’m about to start freaking out!

          • Boston ROCKs says:

            Not that there’d be enough time anyway… :roll: But I do know one thing, if a teacher says no, I sneak out of the room eventualy. Over seven hours is CRAZY!

    • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

      The question is…… big is the glass? :?:

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