Challenge 4: Try drinking six glasses of water a day!













Hi. It’s Nibbles.I am trying to do the Lifestyle Challenge and get more active.

One thing that’s really important to remember when you’re doing any sort of physical activity or just in general, is to keep hydrated by drinking lots of water. In addition to replacing the fluids you lose when you sweat, water helps to cleanse your system, washing away toxins from your body. So I have been challenging myself to drink six glasses of water. At first I was trying to drink it all at once – not a good plan. But now I’m spreading it out throughout the day which makes it pretty easy. And I keep track of it on my fitness journal so I know how much I’ve had. Now I don’t get so thirsty when I play with my friends. I guess my body’s getting all the water it needs.

34 Responses to Challenge 4: Try drinking six glasses of water a day!

  1. HamsterFan says:

    I think he could drink that much!

  2. Boisequeen says:

    Yeah right! I dont even drink that much water in a week! let alone a day!!!

  3. maddie778899 says:

    i will try that it sound s pretty easy

  4. Katie says:

    This is gonna be a super easy challenge! :) <: ~Katie~

  5. wandathehippo says:

    i could do that under 5 min

  6. Narniaisawesome1412 says:

    Hey, CocoaCola, you sound JUST like my father. He refuses to drink anything but coke. He says he is not dirty, so he does not need water. But you really need to drink water. If you do not you get all bloated, because water pretty much flushes out your body/

    Long live Aslan!

  7. CocaCola says:

    Yuck..I hate water

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