Nick MAZIN’ Hamster Contest Winners

Congratulations to Elizabeth, Guinevere, Jennifer, Michelle and Tiffany, the winners of our Nick MAZIN' Hamster contest! They've each been sent a Feature Code for a virtual Nick MAZIN' Hamster. We wanted to see room designs featuring at least one item from Santakinz' Workshop. Check out the winning entries below!






171 Responses to Nick MAZIN’ Hamster Contest Winners

  1. starwarslavar says:

    i was just kidding they are ggrreeaatt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. starwarslavar says:

    i think all of thoughs kind of stank. if i entered i bet i would have won all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. SARAH says:

    ok now we know the winners for THESE contests. now lets see the other 4 results. IM TIRED OF WAITING!!!!!!!! X( :(

  4. Choe says:

    Webkinz user ur mean. Mazin’ Hamters i frigin awesome.

  5. Aubrey says:

    I hope the other contest winners come out soon `cause i entered a lot of them. I wish i won a contest. Who wants to become friends on webkinz?! My username is kalissa2001 `cause my middle name is kalissa. All the friends i have is 4. Im going to have a party once i have more friends. Who has won a contest anyway? If you have i really want to become your friend. :) :-D

  6. Fali says:

    What happened to the Flora mazin hamster contest for the fav. flower drawing?? I want to know because i entered a dogwood flower i drew!

  7. abby says:

    I wish other contest winners would come out earlyer

  8. lisiec8 says:

    this is old newz why do they still have it up?!?!

  9. pomlover43 says:

    I LOVED ALL OF THE ROOMS!!!!!!And my fav was the jungle ROOM!!!!

  10. beaglebrain says:

    All of these are sooooo cute! You are so creative!

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