Not Quite There: Communal Contest

Looks like that challenge was a bit tricky! Better luck next time. Be sure to visit the Kinzville Times to vote for next weekend’s prize. Want to know what next weekend’s challenge is going to be? Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Thursday for a sneak peek.


70 Responses to Not Quite There: Communal Contest

  1. shootingstar11 says:

    You need to make the prizes better! No one even cares about the prizes so we always lose!!! :(

  2. Packerdan205 says:

    OK ganz, FIFTH week in a row that we’ve failed! FOURTH that it wasn’t even close! Something has to change!\
    Either better prizes, or easier challenges. noone want to play if we have no chance of mking it or have terribble prizes!

  3. webkinz fan says:

    i also think they should do this for estore, or pets, charms, etc. If you really wanted something from the wshop you, could just buy it.

  4. Julia says:

    I hope you will decide to make the prizes more exciting, then more people will participate.

  5. nanabias says:

    This is the fifth week in a row that the weekly challenge has not been met. I’m about to the point where I say “why bother trying”. Previously, I have always participated in the community event, even when I didn’t care much for the game. However, unless goals become more realistic, I won’t waste the time on the community effort!

  6. Buepeso says:

    Really?!?!? I played so much yesterday and we do not even get a prize to sell?

  7. 3 comment says:


  8. Aun with Beanz says:

    Great point! and why are the points so high. it would take over 33,000 games for us to win. Asuming we could make it to level 4. How many kids playing cant even get off level 1?

  9. GIRLS RULE says:


  10. Carolyn says:

    No one wants to take the time to play these games like crazy for just wshop items. Whatever happened to having us play for kinzcash, trading card, or estore, or special items ??

    • GooberFan says:

      that’s a great idea, I am not allowed estore and getting the extra codes in the uk costs a fortune!

    • Emilie says:

      I’m with ya’ Carolyn! Whats your Webkinz user name? Friend me!

      • Crabcake says:

        I totally agree! That’s what I’ve been saying all along! I remember they had the Safari Shirt and I was excited to get something different but not enough people voted for it. I don’t think everyone realized it was something special since it’s not a very flashy item but I’d rather have that than any Wshop item any day!

    • Lilly the catlover says:

      You are SO right!!! Maybe people would work harder if they actually had something to work FOR. (Hint, hint, hint, to Ganz). So, in other words, I am saying, Webkinz people, please do as Carolyn says, have us compete for kinzcash, trading card items, pets, estore, estore points, and other special items. Just so you know, I don’t even bother to ENTER the contests anymore. I’m surprised I even bother to check what the prizes are. Come on, help our cause, please everyone! Thanks!

      • lisiec8 says:

        people one way that would help is to go to WW news page and look under contest at the bottom it says
        ”contact us” then go to the tab communal comments and suggestions and click on ” click hear to make a comment ” at the bottom left, and tell them we wont e-store idems for the communal contests! and there’s also a cool survey you can do for 50 KC!

    • cabaca says:

      You know what, what I really wish is that webkinz, can you please just make better prizes?! I really like this communal contests things and the games can be fun, as long a you know that your prize could be a total dud. Please, please, please just make good prizes! Like e-store points. Just agree with Carolyn like I do on the prizes and then I’m sure we’ll all be satisfied. I WILL SEE HOW MANY AGREES I CAN GET IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

      • cabaca says:

        You know what, what I really wish is that webkinz, can you please just make better prizes?! I really like this communal contests things and the games can be fun, as long a you know that your prize could be a total dud. Please, please, please just make good prizes! Like e-store points. Just agree with Carolyn like I do on the prizes and then I’m sure we’ll all be satisfied. I WILL SEE HOW MANY AGREES I CAN GET IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!

    • jen says:

      WEBKINZ IS DELETING OUR COMMENTS AND WONT LET US POST THEM QUICKLY OR SAY THINGS MORE THAN ONCE!!!!! THIS MAKES ME VERY MAD. please anyone who reads this responds to it and all my other comments.

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