Ode to Penny Loafers

By Molly Pig

My hat is worth a quarter,
I’ve got a nickel for my sock,
Two KinzCash for my bracelet,
Five KinzCash for my clock.
But not much for my loafers,
For my loafers, just a penny,
I guess having my two shoes,
Is better than not having any!

19 Responses to Ode to Penny Loafers

  1. webkinzlover says:

    dixie cup u r right yhat is the recipe for the glasses thanks

  2. LadyBeauty says:

    Dixiecup, I have several of the Fairy Princess Dresses and that is exactly why I needed to be able to make Glass Slippers whenever I needed them for Girl Pets as I register them at the Adoption Agency. Thanks for your suggestion. We were both thinking along the same line.

  3. LadyBeauty says:

    Dixiecup, THANK-YOU SO MUCH for the Glass Slipper Recipe! I have been wanting that forever! I wrote it down so I have it whenever any of the princesses in my castle need a new pair of glass slippers! You made my day!

    • Dixiecup says:

      You should check in with Pollie Jean every hour during the day. Once every day she has a rare item of clothing and the Fairy Princess Dress shows up quite a bit on there. It would go GREAT with those shoes.
      So, it appears that in the next couple of hints that are given that it really is Tabby Von Meow’s Glasses.
      recipe is as follows: Penny Loafers, Lovely Leopard Cat Cap and White Hollywood Glasses

  4. ilovehamster says:

    I think i know what the resipe is GLASS SLIPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    • Dixiecup says:

      No. ilovehamster, the glass slipper recipe does not have Penny Loafers in it.
      It has the Princess hat, funky girl Glasses and the Ruby Slippers.
      This is definitely for Tabby’s glasses. There is not a recipe yet with the Penny loafers in it.

  5. PandaPrissy says:

    I know it !!! IT IS SOME THING THAT COSTS 38 KINZ CASH!!!!!!hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:

  6. tagalong says:

    Me too!! i love Tabby’s glasses!! i have tried to figure them out but never put any shoes in the recipes! I can not wait for the rest!! Good luck everybody!

  7. Dixiecup says:

    I would have to say so. It would stand to reason if you ever look at Tabby when you leave the Employment office. YOu can clearly see her Penny Loafers. I wonder if there are other clues in the clothes she wears?

  8. gerbilsrawesome says:

    Awesome! Can’t wait till the next clue!! I’m so excited!

  9. loue354 says:


  10. rosie says:

    penny loafers,something and something= TABBY GLASSES
    sorry i just always wanted these

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