One Lovely Living Room

 Elwin: Hey everyone! It’s your favorite decorating team here – Elwin and Hailey! We’re super-excited to tell you about the business our company has been getting ever since we redecorated Fluffington’s house for the holidays! Ms. Birdy was the first to call us, and she invited us over to check out the problem.  The problem, by the way, wasn’t at her house. It was at Dr. Quack’s. When Hailey and I got there, we thought maybe the foyer needed redoing. Ms. Birdy, however, said that Dr. Quack just had it re-painted. She took us into his living room and we immediately noticed it was…what’s a polite way to say it, Hailey?

Hailey: Uh. Dated. Let’s say dated. As in, out-of-date. As in, from the last century. Or possibly the one before that. Well, let’s just let the picture do the talking, shall we?










Elwin: There are so many things going wrong here, I don’t know where to start.

Hailey: The wallpaper. It’s the worst.

Elwin: No, I think it’s the arrangement of furniture. The mismatched, random arrangement. Have you ever seen anything like that before, Hailey? I mean, wow. It’s just…it’s awful.

Hailey: Ms. Birdy said that Dr. Quack doesn’t really have time for decorating. He’s so focused on his work. Basically, his living room is where everything goes – stuff that Dr. Quack might get around to moving.

Elwin: After discussing the situation with Dr. Quack (who was surprised and happy to see us at his house), he agreed to let us do whatever we wanted to make this room over. Ms. Birdy was so thrilled, I thought she was going to faint.

Hailey: After several days of work, lots of visits to our favorite stores, and a little bit of luck – this is what we came up with:












Elwin: It’s…it’s…beautiful! Let’s talk about what we did here. First, we removed all of the furniture. Then we started over.

Hailey: From the ground up. We replaced the floor and repainted the walls – the room is bold, yet warm and welcoming.

Elwin: We put in two big bookshelves to accommodate Dr. Quack’s extensive book collection.

Hailey: I love the TV corner – it’s a terrific little place to relax.

Elwin: I’m a fan of the desk. Dr. Quack was thrilled to have a place to do some work. I also think the counter by the door works wonderfully as a display area for some of Dr. Quack’s treasures.

Hailey: I think the most enthusiastic reaction we had was from Dr. Quack himself. What did he say? “I love it! And you didn’t throw out my old chair!”


What do you think of Dr. Quack’s new room?

52 Responses to One Lovely Living Room

  1. webkinz says:

    I like the THINGS in the first room. But the second room is way calmer and loks totally comfy!

  2. He-who-must-not-be-named! says:

    I think Hailey and Elwin did a fantastic job, though, I would not have donr this to my room. I dont like all the clutter. The room is bold, but to me it feels just a bit busy. Good job guys.

  3. Lillyana39 says:

    I think Haily and Elwin missed it on this redo. The room still looks very crowded to me. Less is more as the old saying goes. To many sofas and chairs in such a small room and one too many bookcases as well. These items would probably look okay if the room is a large size. He is a doctor and needs some doctor looking items. Like maybe his diplomas from wherever he graduated from for his doctor’s certificates, like real doctors have in their offices might be a nice touch.

  4. Topaz says:

    I like the second one, but i don’t see what’s wrong with the first!

    ~Wolf lover, Crazy lover, and Hug lover!~

  5. readlyn says:

    LOVE THE 2ED ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT MAYBE A WINDOW

  6. Tiffany says:

    Love it. Too bad Hailey and Elwin can’t redecorate MY living room. It’s kinda messy.
    “And you didn’t throw out my old chair!” LOL


  7. DandieDinmonts says:

    Wow! I love it SO much! His room looks so much more professional now.

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