One Rough Resolution









Sparky Fact here with a major complaint: school. Why am I back? Because I have to be, of course. I had such a good time on holiday, enjoying my days off. I played and slept and hung out with my friends.

And then, today, I came back to school. And the craziness has already started! Our teacher, Miss Daisy, told us about three projects we have to do this month. THREE! That’s too many. One is too many.

Ugh. I know some ‘Kinz really like school, and some are really good at school…but I don’t. And I’m not.

I know my resolution was to do better, but I’m already counting down the days until summer.

37 Responses to One Rough Resolution

  1. chocolatelover says:

    I don’t want to go to school tommorrow also.

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! *THREE* projects? That seems like a lot, but I think, if you set you mind to it, you can do it. The advice about getting with Alex was excellent: do it now, and maybe the projects cam become fun (or you will get them done early so you do not have to worry about them.) You are a wonderful Kinz, Sparky! Go for it! We are all cheering for you!!

  3. MacKenzie says:

    MY school starts jan. 4. i know how you feel but just hang in there and do your very best and people will be proud!

    p.s. it is no fair that alot of you have off till the 9th! 8)

  4. 4430kmsimons says:

    I also have off until the 9th. then we have another week off in February.

  5. Emeraldleaf says:

    Sparky, hang in there! I know, I hate projects too, but just try and do your best. After you finish it, the weight will be lifted off of your shoulders. :) Ganz, please fix the treasure hunts!!!!! All of them do not work properly. The second clue to the Challenge Treasure Hunt doesn’t pop up, and the third clue to the New Year’s Treasure Hunt doesn’t pop up either. Please hurry and fix these glitches before time runs out!!!

    ~*Emeraldleaf*~ :mrgreen:

  6. Veronica says:

    Oh, Sparky, I know how you feel. I had three projects too! A book report, an article about David Suzuki and a french project to do with restaurants and food. What grade are you in? Seven? Just wait until grade eight, Sparky…

  7. blahblah says:

    i hope sparky gets all his projects done in time. three is a lot. i never had that many before. three is WAY too many!! :lol: :D

  8. Cinderpelt says:

    Poor Sparky!!!! :rolls: But tough it out. I mean, if you really try you can get that A+ on those projects! Remember how good getting a A felt? :lol: I have a big project due for my gifted class. It was assigned in October, but I started about 5 days ago….. And I think it’s due in two days, or it’s due in a week. :mrgreen:


    • WebkinzQueen says:

      I was toally like that in my 4th grade gifted class last year. Our teacher was so strict, we had to get 10 specific pages on the project we were working on that already had a topic that you needed to get information on. This year, my awesome teacher gives us projects but. Good amount, in a comment written above by me, it said that I am doing 7th grade math, sparky is in 7th right? It is not that hard. All I have to say is plase get over is sparky stuff would ya?
      The unimpressed,

  9. Kristen says:

    Hope you do good in school! Math is a hard subject for me! :)

    Ugh, 3 projects, I agree. TOO MANY!

  10. Tiffany says:

    Sparky, I feel that way too. But you’re already back at school? My holidays lasts for another one week or so. School doesn’t start until Jan 9! And since my resolution is to be better at school, if I were you, I’d write these projects down to work on them or something. Ask Alex to help you. You’re lucky you have a friend that’s good at school.


    • Hmmmm.... says:

      Hmmmm…. I am back in school, and not really loving it bc all my friends hav a longer break. But still, I am trying to do my best!

      • WebkinzWizard :) says:

        Whoa! 3 projects in one month is a lot! But I’m sure you can find a way to get A’s in all of them, Sparky. ;)
        I start school again next week. :( Half of me is glad since I’ve missed doing math and stuff but my other half doesn’t want to go back.

        The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

        • starburst says:

          wait. you’ve MISSED doing math?!?!! i HATE math! If I never have to do it again, I will be the happiest person on the face of the earth. ;)

          • Alphabeta says:

            I actually was a bit bored during vacation. Don’t worry Sparky, you’ll soon adapt to the heavy coursework.

          • lillyluvie says:

            Sparky! You have it WAY EASY! Just wait untill high school. Not, that I’m in high school but my brother is and the stuff that he brings home looks TOUGH! And I’m a bit younger than him, but I still have a bunch of work projects. As of right now (and these are due by the end of next week) I have a Social Studies project, a Language Arts project, a Science essay and work project, and a Math review. :(
            But I don’t mind, because I’m usually a fast worker. ;) ;) :D :D

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • oldwooffie says:

            Yeah same here lillyluvie. Right now I have a science test and social studies test coming up, also an an art test. I have tests and reports every week for at least one class. I go to a charter school, and they have the top scores in the state. (In MN) It is so hard!

          • twolittlefootprints says:

            hey, everyone! Poor Sparky… what grade is he in? 7th I think… same as me. I’m counting the days till summer too… I’m scared about exams in a couple weeks! :?

          • WebkinzQueen says:

            Tiffany, you start school again on my birthday!!! :D I can not wait, only a few days away. Just have to get through middle school. I Love math. In my 5th grade class, we have to do 7th grade math, Sparky is let down easy. Oh and BTW… how is 3 projects too many. That is probably the average amount you get in gifted. AKA my class. Big Whoop, it is not that hard. I don’t like all this oh Sparky got an A, no not an A+, an A+ is a 105. Ugh! Get over yourself sparky, it won’t last forever. Sorry I just really hate how they always talk about this.
            The very angry,
            ☼~WQ~☼ Anyone like my new signature?

          • System Of A Down Chick says:

            Same for me. I’m in 7th grade and I have a math, science, and history test. I even have a social studies, art, and science project tomorrow. I’m so busy. I now have 80 questions on math and algebra homework. Tomorrow is just going to be a hard day. Ugh. I do have a language review also and it starts by tomorrow, or monday. This is how busy I’m going to be. :roll: So, Sparky, you have things simple. I seriously miss being in 2nd grade when I was like 8 years old!

            -SOAD Chick :!:

    • blahblah says:

      lucky. u dont have school till the ninth. i only had 1 week off. im back at school. three projects!!! sparky must be devastated. too many.

    • Starburst says:

      Thank u so much for your help on the other page Neptune feline! I have really been wanting to know how to do that! :D that helps so much!!!!!! :) :D ;) :mrgreen: :lol:

    • dawndrop16 says:

      I know how you feel, Sparky. I’m a good student, but I really don’t like projects. To tell you the truth, I’d rather do a test than a project. I’m sure you’re friends will help you. Before you know it, summer will be here again. :) ~*Dawn*~

    • jenmatlak says:

      No school till Janurary 9th!?!?!?! I’ve been in school for weeks!!! At least I like school and i have the best teacher ever (: :smile:
      :smile: Smile! :smile:

      • DauntlessTris says:

        Usually I like school but I have to say that after my 1st day back I sort of agree with Sparky. I’ve already had 3 projects due, a beep test in gym (If you don’t know what that is you’re extremely lucky), and two tests.

        • PinkPeace says:

          I have 1 project due. My New Year’s Resolution for my gym coach is to stop giving us beep tests, even though I’m good at them. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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