Perfect Purple!

Hailey here to talk about my very favorite color – purple! I LOVE purple. It’s so regal and royal. I’ve got purple shoes, purple scarves – and my favorite, my comfy purple pajama top (I’ve been known to wear it all day!). Purple is the color of amethysts, which happen to be my very favorite gemstone! What’s your favorite color – and why?

33 Responses to Perfect Purple!

  1. schnauzers rock says:

    mine is teal.

  2. bella says:

    I love purple my room is that color,purple is way cool.

  3. EllySilverStar says:

    I have several favorite colors: Any blues, most greens, some pinks, dark purples, pale yellows, turquoises & minty greens, silver, and many others. I can’t pick just one!

  4. gtqmmc says:

    My fvorite color is purple because it’s a beautiful,rich color. It’s also the color of creativity. :)

  5. anicool says:

    my favourite color is blue
    because blue is just an wonderful color :D

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