Persephone’s Apartment Makeover

Hey everyone! Hailey and Elwin here with another fabulous makeover!

H: Our good friend Persephone invited us over for dinner the other night and we were thrilled to visit her brand new place. When we arrived, though, we were…a little surprised.

E: Right you are, Hailey! We didn’t expect Persephone’s place to be so…so…well, take a look for yourself:













H: Er…yeah. It’s a little cluttered.

E: Anyway, Hailey and I decided to tactfully offer our help.

H: I’m not sure how tactful you were, Elwin. You basically said, “Your apartment is a mess, Persephone. But don’t worry. We can fix it. Maybe.”

E: Hey, she agreed to let us help her. That’s all that matters.

H: Anyway, the basic apartment was good. The layout was fine, but there was SO much stuff everywhere. So our first order of business was cleaning the place up.

E: We gave lots to charity and put some stuff (like her first sewing machine) into storage. Whatever had sentimental value, we hung onto.

H: Right! And then we dealt with the flooring.

E: Oh, the flooring. It wasn’t my favorite.

H: And the carpets.

E: Yes, not a fan of those either. Especially the red one. Oh, and the kitchen floor. Just awful.

H: Anyway, we decided to lay down a new floor. We chose something bright to make the place look bigger. Check it out:




H: Persephone was really pleased with the result – and I guess she still likes Elwin and I, because we’ve been invited back for dinner tomorrow night!





49 Responses to Persephone’s Apartment Makeover

  1. lisa12345 says:

    THAT IS A AWSOME ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. CinderellaCleaners says:

    Just one thing I don’t like. The window in the bathroom. I never put windows in my bathrooms.

  3. PrincessLunaIsDaBest says:

    Okay, my opinion is: they got rid of too much stuff. The walls are practically blank in her bedroom, the bathroom mirrors are gone, and the flooring and wallpaper clash.

  4. kelly says:

    Ok,Ok this is what you call a room (MAKE OVER) . I think it looks like a DUMP!!!

  5. lovesoftball says:

    I love that Apartment!! i like it before and after. it is so cool because it is homemade it isn’t like the room designs in the w-shop. those are cool too but i like the homemade stuff

  6. fanofthefrog7 says:

    I’ve always thought the first one were better, and this one proves it.


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