Persephone’s Notebook – Page 1

Note to self: create an outdoor outfit – something that’s vibrant and can be seen easily. Maybe boots? No. Perhaps a jacket? Maybe. These pictures are quite inspirational:


Love the color!





Detective work is hard work – but it’s also quite intriguing…I spy something inspiring in this picture!



Keep thinking…it’ll come to you…




109 Responses to Persephone’s Notebook – Page 1

  1. Detective Girl says:

    A clue! The answer might be a bright spies trench coat it could be not for sure but just maybe :D :mrgreen: :roll: :)

  2. Zouramaster125 says:

    Hi i am new here but doesnt that crystal look like the ones in Spyro?

  3. Daffodil011 says:

    Its that red spy trench coat!

  4. Shelby says:

    Ok, I’m confused…is it the Detective Hat or is it the Bright Spies Trench Coat? I’m leaning towards the coat because of the red gemstones but the hat is hanging on the desk in the picture. Hmm…what does everyone else think?

  5. brat430 says:

    how about the color you liked and the detective coat thing, but instead of the coat make it a red or what ever that color was, hat or a short sleeve shirt or shorts or shoes

  6. DragonGirl149 says:

    I agree bright spies trench coat

  7. horse says:

    I think it’s the bright spies trench coat

  8. Rebekah says:

    Bright spies trench coat!

  9. Nikki98 says:

    Well, for the red gems, you could make red boots with little red gems on the top, and a matching red jacket with red gems instead of buttons!

  10. sassy BFF Taylor says:

    OMG so cool i wish it was mine all mine


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