Pick N’ Win and Quizzes Are Back!

Have you been missing the daily polls and quizzes? They’re now back and we’ve started you off with a poll about March pets and a Building Kit quiz! Head over to Quizzes, Surveys and Polls now!

35 Responses to Pick N’ Win and Quizzes Are Back!

  1. Olivia says:

    Thank you! :3 I love Webkinz!

  2. Agentequ says:

    I love polls and surveys! I am so glad they are back!

  3. fish1703 says:

    can i do it ??????

  4. cathouse2 says:

    Yes, I have been missing the quizzes and polls on WKN. I will go try them out right now! >>cathouse2

  5. tinygma says:

    I wish these were easier to find. Where are they hidden. I used to do them all the time. :(

  6. lovetheworld says:

    awesome! FINALLY!

  7. >^..^< Catkin says:

    This is good. There hasn’t been enough to do here to keep me visiting every day for awhile. Glad to see this feature return. ~ >^..^< Catkin

  8. mrandle says:

    Nice to see you back. Was wondering if they were ever going to bring them back. Thank you, thank you.

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