Dear Plumpy: When Friends Fight


Dear Plumpy,

Summer is supposed to be awesome, right? Why then, has my summer been so awful so far? Well, I’ll tell you why. Because I’m having a HUGE fight with my former BFF. The worst part is that the fight is just ridiculous. Like, it’s not even over anything important. Which is SUPER frustrating.  Anyway, I miss her a ton and I want to make up. So…what do I do?

-          PJC

Dear PJC,

Ah, fights. They happen to the best of best friends. But the good news is that there’s a simple way to fix the problem: apologize.
You’ve probably heard the saying “it takes two to tango”.  That means that it takes two to have a fight. So that means it takes two to fix a fight – but just like in dancing, someone has to lead. And that someone is going to be you. I’m not sure what the exact situation is, but what I do know is that a heartfelt apology works wonders. Here are some apology options:

1.       Write your friend a note or email and apologize that way.

2.       Write your friend a note or email and ask to meet in person so you can apologize face-to-face.

3.       Bake your friend’s favorite treats, along with a note.

4.       Go for a walk with your friend and tell her you’re sorry.

5.       Call your friend and apologize over the phone.

You might feel nervous or awkward, and you might be worried that your friend won’t accept your apology. But if you’re being honest, and if you apologize straight from the heart, I bet you’ll be BFFs again in no time.

Good luck.



54 Responses to Dear Plumpy: When Friends Fight

  1. Mary (the bookworm!) says:

    The Missing Conversation (From the poetry book Think Again.)
    The crack: almost invisible,
    But what seems whole is broken.
    Important words went missing
    Between two
    Who should have spoken.

    I did not write this! (I wish I did….)

  2. nice girl says:

    Hi everybody, i am the nicest and prettiest girl in my class if anyone wants to be friends my username is elcornp no caps.
    If anyone is intrested in me they can come in my house and we can play.

  3. pop6pop6 says:

    PJC stands for polly jean collie! I think ella and Pj both wish they were still friends.

  4. Madison says:

    A lot of best friends have fights.I know this sounds dumb,but sometimes you just can’t prevent it.If you tell her how bad you feel,she’ll probably take you back.

  5. mary (the bookworm!) says:

    LOL, I didn’t even notice the thing about it being PJ until I read the other comments! There are some very observant people out there…..
    I’m all for apologizing, but sometimes it seems that I’m ALWAYS the one who has to apologize first. Luckily I haven’t gotten into a fight for quite awhile, but it’s kind of annoying. Some advice on apologizing: when you’re the one who is apologizing, always admit what you did wrong and don’t try to blame it all on the other person. It doesn’t come across sounding very sincere if you’re like “Look, I’m sorry I did blah blah blah, but YOU shouldn’t have done blah blah blah!” And if someone is apologizing to you, please don’t just say “Fine,” and leave it at that. Accept their apology, then respond with one of your own, admitting what YOU did wrong as well. This helps the apology feel whole between you. I hope this helps someone!

  6. strawberrylove says:

    I think it stands for Purple Jumping Cucumbers….. haha just kidding I have no clue :lol:

  7. dragonrider525 (a.k.a cheesyfrogs) says:

    I had to babysit two little girls named Mari-alis (u pronounce it Mary-Alice but u spell it Mari-alis) and Riley who are about the age of five and like they would get mad at each other then they would make up then they would be mad again then they would make up again they do it like every five minutes

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