Plumpy: The Importance of Promptness

Dear Plumpy,
I’m having a big problem with my friend. We’ve got a club and our meetings are every Wednesday and Friday at 4:30. There are five of us in the club, and four of us are always on time – everyone except my friend. I’m not sure what to do – sometimes she’s almost twenty minutes late! Our meetings only run for half an hour, so twenty minutes is a lot. I’ve tried reminding her, but it doesn’t seem to matter –she’s NEVER on time. Our other friends want to kick her out of the club, but I don’t think that’s fair. What should we do?

-          Never Late


Dear NL,
I’ve had a similar problem in the past with my best friend Wiggles. Wiggles was usually late, unless we happened to be going someplace together (in which case, I always reminded him and made sure we were out the door in plenty of time).

The problem was that Wiggles would often lose track of time. So, if he was working on a design for a new room or making lunch or just watching TV, he’d misjudge the amount of time he would need to actually get where he was going. After missing a meeting with a client who wanted him to makeover their kitchen, Wiggles realized he needed to make some changes. Here’s what we did to help him get to where he had to go on time:

1.       Write everything down – Wiggles has a planner so he knows exactly what time everything starts.

2.       Tell yourself to be early – Even now, Wiggles tells himself to be at his destination 10 minutes early (so, if something starts at 6:00, he’ll tell himself he HAS to be there at 5:50).

3.       Have a friend remind you – If Wiggles and I are meeting for a coffee, I’ll always call him earlier in the day to remind him where and when we’ll be meeting. He says it helps.

4.       Think about others – Wiggles didn’t realize how much it bothered me that he was always late until we missed the beginning of one of my favorite plays because he was late picking me up. I was so upset! After that, he always thought about how being late makes others feel.

Sometimes you’re late for reasons you can’t help (bad weather, homework, chores), but try to be as prompt as possible as often as possible – and make sure to encourage your friend to do so too!



36 Responses to Plumpy: The Importance of Promptness

  1. antoniad6 says:

    I took the best friend contest! :D I did it on my BF Shannon. Did any of you people do it? Hey, what’s good advise?
    Are you talking about Plumpy? ;o I don’t get Plumpy. ;(

  2. Claudis123 says:

    Thats realy great advise!

  3. GrandCanyonRules says:

    Plumpy your advise is great. I’m not late very often unless I sleep in to late but other then that I’m hardly every late.

  4. puppiesrule656 says:

    To never late-
    Another tip is to tell your friend that the meeting starts at 4:15. So then she will try to get there at 4:15 but might be 10 or so minutes late but in reality it would be 5 minutes early. Also maybe she has sports or something before the meeting so make sure she doesn’t and if she does make the meeting start a half an hour later so she can be on time.

  5. Haircolour777 says:

    Hey. You are right. Don’t kick her outof the club. Who cares if she’s always late! She probably has a right to be in your club. So, I hope you guys figure it out!

  6. paigedc says:

    that just might work

    me and my dad have been working on a club house in the back yard
    ever since the weather has been good my friend Gabby has all so been helping
    we are making a club for me Bella and Gabby THATS ALL
    we are not tring to be rude or any thing but even if we meet new people they still CAN’T come in our club or club house
    thats just how it is
    i have other friends but this is the b.f.f club duh

  7. Emerald says:

    Thanks Plumpy! This subject is a good one for discussion because these days it seems like being on time means you need to show up 10 mins before at least and I’m usually about 2-5 mins late so that makes me like 15 mins late…what do you all think?

  8. HamsterLover says:

    I had a friend who was always 30 minutes late. When we needed her to be somewhere by a certain time, we gave her a meeting time of 30 minutes before WE intended to get there. By and large, it worked pretty well. Our friend just couldn’t get places “on time”, but with the earlier time provided, she showed up by when we needed her to be there.
    So if Plumpy’s suggestions don’t help, try ours! :o)

  9. Courtney says:

    Great choice!!! and I’ve got other advice for you 1. you should never ever let a girl get in the way of friendship.
    2. If she’s late for the club don’t even bother… kick her out… I would…
    3. Always ignore them if they ignore you
    4. Stick up for your friends if they bug your friends.. tell them somthing supporteve about your firend and if they are not nice to your friends… I’M TELLING YA’ MAN IT CAN BE ANOYING SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. BloomingRose says:

    I don’t mean to be rude, but please people, start commenting!

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