Dear Plumpy: When Friends Fight


Dear Plumpy,

Summer is supposed to be awesome, right? Why then, has my summer been so awful so far? Well, I’ll tell you why. Because I’m having a HUGE fight with my former BFF. The worst part is that the fight is just ridiculous. Like, it’s not even over anything important. Which is SUPER frustrating.  Anyway, I miss her a ton and I want to make up. So…what do I do?

-          PJC

Dear PJC,

Ah, fights. They happen to the best of best friends. But the good news is that there’s a simple way to fix the problem: apologize.
You’ve probably heard the saying “it takes two to tango”.  That means that it takes two to have a fight. So that means it takes two to fix a fight – but just like in dancing, someone has to lead. And that someone is going to be you. I’m not sure what the exact situation is, but what I do know is that a heartfelt apology works wonders. Here are some apology options:

1.       Write your friend a note or email and apologize that way.

2.       Write your friend a note or email and ask to meet in person so you can apologize face-to-face.

3.       Bake your friend’s favorite treats, along with a note.

4.       Go for a walk with your friend and tell her you’re sorry.

5.       Call your friend and apologize over the phone.

You might feel nervous or awkward, and you might be worried that your friend won’t accept your apology. But if you’re being honest, and if you apologize straight from the heart, I bet you’ll be BFFs again in no time.

Good luck.



54 Responses to Dear Plumpy: When Friends Fight

  1. Bethany K. says:

    Is there any clothes that fit signature webkinz? I love love love my signature harp seal named Holly, but she has no clothes. :( Any suggustions

    Plumpy, I really want a new puppy in real life. I really need some advice to convice my mom to buy me one. PLEASE try your best to answer me because i am so DESPARATE for a puppy.

    • Gringersnap says:

      Wow! I also have a signature hap seal, but her name is Marshmellow. I know haw you feel, I can’t find any clothes for her too. :( My suggestion is you MAKE Holly some clothes. I do! Also make a necklace for her. I did and it looked great on her!
      Hope this helps,
      ~Gringersnap \ ( ‘o’ ) /~

  2. ShibaQueen says:

    Plumpy always has such great advice! How do you send problems to her though?

    • SparkStar says:

      I TOTALLY agree :) ! And I don’t know… hopefully someone else can answer that :) .

    • Gameboy says:

      PJ. Man I didn’t know you missed her. Actually Ella isn’t caring about you. She’s caring ’bout the history of faries, and how Nafaria turned bad. So PJ collie and Ella have to do something :!: FAST :!:

  3. Anonoymus says:

    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! If this is PJ,(please let it!) then I won’t feel guilty going into the kinzstyle shop! Now I can look at the new items. I’m so exited! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. chickennoodlesoup says:

    friend me at Doorknob1


  5. Josie is EXCITED!!!!!!!!! says:

    OMG! IT TOTALLY STANDS FOR PJ COLLIE!!!! (sorry for caps, Plumpy)
    Yay! They are going to make up!!!! I want more of the fairy story!!! I want the interview with Nafaria! So excited!!!!! SO excited! I am PUMPED!

    (I’m crazy. I know.)0

  6. pinkstar* says:

    this is sooooo PJ collie. add me. my username is eileen822.

  7. kitkat says:


  8. SunniDEE10 says:

    Hope this works!

  9. lexi says:

    Does PJC stand for PJ Collie?

    • Ilovemypets8 says:

      Maybe it does…. Maybe if it is her she would like to apologize to Ella……… Hopefully it is Pollie Jean Collie. Then maybe Ella will be her bestest friend again.

      • icecream says:

        Right now i feel like i want cry. My bff and i got in a fight. she started hanging out with other girls who DON’T like me. she ….. made fun of me in front of all the bossy girls who don’t like me and the guy-i-sit-next to who she likes.and i was passing out papers for my teacher cause she needed help. and ” the bossy girls” and my bff burned their papers cause thry said thell get [my name] ites. im so sad help me internet

        • Gameboy says:

          I wasn’t eant to say this but **IT”S TIME TO GET A NEW BEST FREIND**. Sometimes when freinds are being really mean for WEEKS, you might not want to be with him or her. Maybe if you wait for a few monthst or just talk to her she might stop and want to be freinds again.

        • psalm11911 says:

          Have you been hanging out with any other friends besides her lately? She may feel unwanted, even though you probably did not mean for it to be like that. Sometimes a good friend might hang with popular kids thinking you don’t want them as a friend. Talk to her. Make sure it is not just a big understanding.
          Add me! My username is: psalm11911

    • psalm11911 says:

      I agree. If not, they probably read WEbkinz Newz and know they are alot like Pollie Jean Collie.
      Add me! My username is: psalm11911

  10. Ilovemypets8 says:

    That is true most friends end up fighting. It only seems like people who are really good friends fight. Maybe it is because friends are always together. Well almost always. So if your friend is mad or says your annoying just leave them alone a day.

    • ShibaQueen says:

      I love my pets too! Add me! my username is: daaaaaaaa

      • Always :) says:

        PJC stands for Purple Juggling Cacti, not Pollie Jean Collie!

        -Always :-)

        • 4beth1 says:

          No its PJ COLLIE!!!!!!

          aww!!! She really cares for Ella!

          • ilovewebkinzalot0 says:

            It’s true! i’ll bet you a truck load of bacon that it’s PJ

          • starburst says:

            Oh my gosh, I didn’t even notice the ‘PJC’ until i read these comments! it’s totally PJ.

          • 8clawpaw says:

            What I would do in this situation is make a puzzle that in the end will end up as us two holding hands, with “BEST FRIENDS” in an arc over us. I have never been close to something like this before, but that is what I would do. And I would put that in an envelope, with a simple note saying that I’m sorry.

            ~8clawpaw ***

        • lillyluvie says:

          LOL! This is obviously PJ collie. The enitials match perfectly. ~LillyLuvie* :)

          • Ilovemypets8 says:

            Thanks Shiba Queen. I’ll add you as my friend. If someone is called Ilovemypets8 that’s me!

    • cheesyfrogs says:

      I had to babysit two little girls named Mari-alis (u pronounce it Mary-Alice but u spell it Mari-alis) and Riley who are about the age of five and like they would get mad at each other then they would make up then they would be mad again then they would make up again they do it like every five minutes and what they fought about would be hilarious like one took the others favorite crayon or the other one would not share their baby dolls or if one likes one thing and the other likes another little stuff like

      add me my username is : dragonrider525 (I am a girl not a boy i am a tomboy)
      and my besties is: Exdarri (You have to cap the E but the rest is lower case) (she is a tomboy too)
      AND my sisters is: flowerpoweriscool101 (MY sister is a GIRLY {yuck!} (do not cap anything)

      • FawnRose>% says:

        this is the first good advice i’ve EVER heard from Plumpy!! i thought all she was was hot air!! LOL :D!!
        they r gonna make up!! i was sooo bored of all those random interviews but this is interesting!! PLUMPY GETS INVOLVED!!

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