Postcard from Elwin

Dear Hailey,

Wow! I am pumped! We finished the album and I just got to listen to it all the way through for the first time! Oh, Hailey! I can’t wait for you to hear it! This really is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me! I think you’re going to be impressed. Well, I know you’re already impressed. Listen – I don’t want to go all goopy on you or anything, but I thought this would be a good time to let you know how much I appreciate all the support and encouragement you’ve offered me my whole life. I am so lucky to have a sister like you, and being away from you has really shown me just how much I always lean on you. Okay – goopy moment over! Sorry! I hope I can get back to Kinzville soon so I can play you the album. I just know you’re going to love it!

Gotta run! We’re doing some promotional photos for the tour and my ‘handlers’ are waiting for me! (Ha ha – can you picture me with handlers?)


20 Responses to Postcard from Elwin

  1. lovepuppygirl says:


  2. cathouse2j3 says:

    That was sweet Elwin! I hope Hailey likes it! >>cathouse2

  3. saffron says:

    well now Hailey won’t be upet about Elwin not coming back anymore….

  4. SilverStar says:

    Aww, that was really sweet of you Elwin! Don’t worry about the sappy moments like Strawberry Starburst said, that matters the most. You guys are very lucky to have each other!-SilverStar☼♥☼ P.S. I know this is so out of the subject, but I haven’t been seeing Lillyluvie that much anymore, I hope she’s O.K.!

  5. Skiddly says:

    Awww, you’re a really sweet elephant, Elwin. Hailey is so lucky to have a brother like you! ♥

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