Purr-Cilla Saves the Day







Hey, it’s Salley. Ugh. Okay, I know this is not very diplomatic – what with me being the president and all – but I kind of hate it when Purr-cilla is right. When we first asked for volunteers, everyone just wanted to do the fun stuff, like the rides and the games. But we had a lot more not-so-fun activities like set-up and clean-up and taking tickets and stuff like that that no one wanted to do. Stoogles and I were stuck. We couldn’t figure out how to divide up the volunteers.

Then, Purr-cilla came along and said that we just needed a system that would be fair so that everyone would get a chance to help out. So Purr-cilla made up a calendar and divided the jobs into time slots. She asked everybody to sign up for the time that they would be able to help out. Then, instead of letting people choose whichever volunteer position they wanted, Purr-cilla put the names for each time slot into a hat and pulled them out one by one. The first name she pulled got to man the Giant Slide. The second name got to supervise the Mine Carts, and so on and so on until each job was filled.

It turned out really well because every single position got filled and when Purr-cilla called them and told them what they would be doing, you know what? Everybody actually seemed fine with that. I guess everyone just really wanted to help out and as long as it was fair, they were okay if they didn’t get the job they wanted.

*sigh* So this is just one more thing Purr-cilla managed to get right. I was starting to feel like maybe the wrong candidate won the election, but Stoogles says that I still have good ideas and that managing to work with Purr-cilla is very ‘presidential’ of me. I hope so. Maybe after she had all those crazy big ideas in the election and she didn’t win, Purr-cilla got some perspective on what is realistic. I guess it was a good idea inviting her to be on the school council. Just between you and me, that is.

33 Responses to Purr-Cilla Saves the Day

  1. MDIChickadee says:

    Sallie – I hope you share with Purr-Cilla how happy you are that she did such a good job!

  2. Narniaisawesome1412 says:

    Good 4 U Purr-cilla! But I seriously think she would NOT make a good prez. Because all that power could make a person a bit … Um… What’s the word? Like hot-headed? Or selfish? My mind went blank. Somebody help me out here, but U know what I’m talking about… I think u r an AMAZING PREZ. SALLY!

    P.S. Do any of U think I should change my usename? Tell me what U think…

    • The Anonymous Commenter says:

      I like your username! Narnia IS awesome! And so is Harry Potter!!! (I’m a HP GEEK!)
      I need to find a name too…
      ~Peace, love, and happiness! :~)
      (Like my new signature?)

  3. Emraled100 says:

    Purr-Cilla is becoming nicer. i used to hate her, but now she is a lot nicer!

  4. LS says:

    I think Purr-cilla has come down to earth in more than one way. I notice that she isn’t so “I know everything” and more of a contributor. She might even make a good friend. You should hold your next meeting at home, at the park, or even at a snack shop. You never know, after the meeting you guys can do something fun. It will be a lot easier when she is right if it comes from a friend.

  5. Cinderpelt says:

    Haaaahaaa, OneVerse that’s funny :D I’m kinda starting to like her, but only a little!! *Sighs* maybe if she wasn’t so bossy and mean, I would like her more ;) TheWebkinzWarrior, you’re right!


  6. kinzking says:

    maybe she should be vice president and stoogles could be Secretary and treasurer.

  7. gymdog says:

    Good Job Sally for listening to Purr-Cilla!!!

  8. OneVerse..........is scared says:

    I’m actually starting to like Purr-cilla now……..yikes!

    • Kikiworm says:

      I know OneVerse! Yikes! If you get the book about when Salley first came to Kinzville from the Wshop and read it you’ll see that Purr-cilla wasn’t very nice. Add me! My username is kikiworm.

      Peace! Kikiworm :) :D >3

  9. Cinderpelt says:

    Salley, maybe you guys don’t see eye to eye on stuff, but Purr-Cilla does have some good ideas… But good job Purr-Cilla (sighs, I can’t believe I’m saying this), you did save the day. :D And Salley, you’re a good president, and you do have good ideas! ;)

    ~I can’t wait to see how the fair turns out!

  10. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    It’s okay if she’s right every now and then. ;)

    • starburst says:

      maybe she should have been president………..

      • PikachuHazelNut says:

        Not to be judge, however Sally is more responsible so I think she’s a good president. But even if Purr-cila’s mean EVERYONE has a sweet side right? So maybe Purr-cila isn’t as bad as some think she is (no offense if you do just saying!)

        • sarahandlacey says:

          That’s nice of her for once! :mrgreen:

          • SwedishLatte says:

            I’ll just be honest here. I never thought of Purr-cilla as someone who actually had really good ideas and put them to use in a good way. But now that I’ve seen a sweeter side of her well…I’m realizing that she’s not all bad. Great job Purr-cilla!

          • Northwestern...good development says:

            I think the experience is making them both mature. I don’t hold grudges on anyone for bad doings, I may remember it if it really hurt my feelings, but I don’t speak it. I understand if Salley can’t forget about the salsa incedent, but she needs to move it to the back of her mind, and try to get along the best she can. And this is teaching her to do that.

          • Alphabeta says:

            Purr-cilla’s just a kid; she can’t be THAT bad. And this just proves that.

          • krystalkat says:

            Maybe Salleys just jelouse.


          • GameboyTheGameStar says:

            ROTFL Your right krystalkat, she probably is jealous. But shes probably just mad because she thought Purr-Cilla doesn’t even have good ideas and a heart.(Remember when they first met?). ♠GameboyTheGameStar♠

        • snuggles56100 says:

          I agree PikachuHazelNut! but do you know what she did to sally @ her birth day party?!?!?!?!?!?!?! it was pur cillas bday and the kinz invited sally but pur cilla as NOT happy about that . so she said something that I don’t remebmer and sally said she made salsa and pur cilla took it and” tripped” and spilled it all over sally! pucilla is mean but also nice . sally you r a good president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ican’t belive I am saying this but that is A good Idea purcilla! LOL I can’t belive I like purcilla!!!

          • RedPanda says:

            I think I voted for Purr-Cilla. I’m so sorry for anyone who like Salley, and I don’t mean to come across as mean, but I think Salley gets everything she wants, and makes everybody do it HER way. Also Stoogles is cool.
            Faith, Hope, Animals,

          • lightpapa says:

            That’s okay. I voted for Purr-cilla. And Purr-cilla CAN be right.

          • mistymoon says:

            yeah, 4 me it was between purr-cilla & sally. sally is nice & has good ideas, and everyone likes her. purr-cilla is smart & thoughtful, yet sassy & kinda mean…. but, knowing she would win anyhow, i voted for sally. i like that decision, & i think purr-cilla as treasurer is good also, so when sally falls (makes a mistake) stoogles & purr-cilla are there 2 catch her, cause stoogles gives her self-confidence & purr-cilla gives sally sensibal ideas that work.
            ***misty moon

      • WebkinzLicoriceFishy says:

        Purr-Cillla being president so shouldn’t happen if that then Purr-cilla would make it all fancy smancy with lunch bus and everything well maybe on idea president not vice or cheif president it could happen but me no Peace Love Webkinz Webkinzlicoricefishy :)

    • lugwee says:

      is it to late to make her vice president?? i don’t even remember the last tine stoogles had a good idea that was used… oh wait thats because he hasn’t had a good idea! sorry stoogles its just the way it is

      • Addict502 says:

        Honestly, I prefer Purr-Cilla out of the three. She actually knows how to let go and have some fun. Salley always acts like she’s in charge of everyone, which irks me. Also, I think Purr-Cilla has a better grasp on how to work with people. It’s too bad she didn’t become president; she would have done a better job than Salley. . .

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