Purr-Cilla Saves the Day







Hey, it’s Salley. Ugh. Okay, I know this is not very diplomatic – what with me being the president and all – but I kind of hate it when Purr-cilla is right. When we first asked for volunteers, everyone just wanted to do the fun stuff, like the rides and the games. But we had a lot more not-so-fun activities like set-up and clean-up and taking tickets and stuff like that that no one wanted to do. Stoogles and I were stuck. We couldn’t figure out how to divide up the volunteers.

Then, Purr-cilla came along and said that we just needed a system that would be fair so that everyone would get a chance to help out. So Purr-cilla made up a calendar and divided the jobs into time slots. She asked everybody to sign up for the time that they would be able to help out. Then, instead of letting people choose whichever volunteer position they wanted, Purr-cilla put the names for each time slot into a hat and pulled them out one by one. The first name she pulled got to man the Giant Slide. The second name got to supervise the Mine Carts, and so on and so on until each job was filled.

It turned out really well because every single position got filled and when Purr-cilla called them and told them what they would be doing, you know what? Everybody actually seemed fine with that. I guess everyone just really wanted to help out and as long as it was fair, they were okay if they didn’t get the job they wanted.

*sigh* So this is just one more thing Purr-cilla managed to get right. I was starting to feel like maybe the wrong candidate won the election, but Stoogles says that I still have good ideas and that managing to work with Purr-cilla is very ‘presidential’ of me. I hope so. Maybe after she had all those crazy big ideas in the election and she didn’t win, Purr-cilla got some perspective on what is realistic. I guess it was a good idea inviting her to be on the school council. Just between you and me, that is.

33 Responses to Purr-Cilla Saves the Day

  1. Glimy says:

    Well, everybody has good sides and bad sides. That is, exept for really evil people. ( I hope )


  2. Chaz says:

    Purr cilla would make a great dictator.

  3. Cricket says:

    Everybody changes and grows all the time~ maybe it is time 4 a little more give and take with the student councel. I think they are all trying hard and I think it is awesome that they are starting to listen to each other and work together on projects! Great Job everybody! :) :) :) Now 4 the big question~ does anybody have any pull to get the brown cow back in a plush???? ( did I say please :) )

  4. Webkinz Girl~ says:

    My birthday is tomorrow! I CAN’T WAIT! :]

    Webkinz Girl~

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