Purr-Cilla’s Big Day


Dear Diary,

I can’t believe how fast my birthday is coming up! May 12, be there! The only thing is, I haven’t started planning my party yet. That’s what happens when you’re super-busy and super-popular like me! I just haven’t had time, between my tennis classes, violin recitals, gymnastics competitions and homework. Don’t even get me started on student council – I practically run that!

But fortunately, Mom got the invitations back from the printer today, so I can pass them out at school tomorrow. I decided to invite most of the school – and even some of the ‘Kinz – partially because I really like a certain Sparky Fact (and if I just invited him, that would be too obvious), and partially because it’ll drive the ones I DON’T invite nuts!

Anyway, this is going to be the party of the century! Nothing like Stoogles’ little Googles party. Do you know how much KinzCash my dad is spending on this shindig? Like, about two thousand! Top that!



67 Responses to Purr-Cilla’s Big Day

  1. Smarticles says:

    Uh…I meant I don’t play violin like Purr-cilla. Whoops….$$$Smarticles$$$

  2. Smarticles says:

    I am in student council, is Purr-cilla? I don’t play viola, I play organ oboe and piano. Yeah! $$$Smarticles$$$

  3. chihuahualover says:

    we all know she gets everything she wants but that’s because she does it by force so if she invites everybody and no one comes who’s the blame, purr-chilla of course for being mean!

  4. jmlittle1 says:

    Dude my birth day is may too Awsome.

  5. fudgeyvanilla says:

    geez purrcilla! hey you know, i could top that. i have 25,000 KC in my account! so YOU top that! also, stop being such of all the above.

  6. ameliabedelia6 says:

    First I kind of think the fact that Purr-cilla likes Sparky Fact is kind of cute and makes her seem just a teeny bit nicer. But then of course she ruins it with her bragging. I’m almost 100% positive that if Purr-cilla wasn’t so stuck up, braggy, and rich she ‘d actually be a nice person. If only.

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