Quiz: How much do YOU know about bad luck?



There are a lot of interesting superstitions out there, but how much do you know about them? Put your knowledge to the test!




Some people say that if this color of cat crosses your path, you’ll get bad luck:
A) Black
B) White
C) Brown
D) Gray

Don’t break one of these, or it’s 7 years bad luck!
A) Glass
B) Glasses
C) Heart
D) Mirror

Never walk under one of these, if you want to avoid bad luck!
A) Bridge
B) Ladder
C) Tree
D) Waterfall

Many people believe this number is bad luck:
A) 13
B) 1
C) 8
D) 7

Lots of people believe this day is bad luck:
A) Monday the 18th
B) Saturday the 15th
C) Friday the 13th
D) Wednesday the 1st

Many people don’t believe luck exists at all, of course…but just to be safe, don’t lose that four-leaf clover!



(Answers: A, D, B, A, C)

90 Responses to Quiz: How much do YOU know about bad luck?

  1. maddiepanda1 says:

    To me 13 is my lucky number.
    Forever 13,

  2. love says:

    Nafaria freaks me out! lol

  3. Zacspet says:


    Oh and guys chil.. those people are joking about Nafari… obviously…. :)

  4. Kenzie says:

    omgz i turned 13, friday the 13th, august 13th XD and it was actually quite a lucky day for me ;)

  5. emrobu says:

    I HAVE 141 WEBKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT 16 FOR MY BIRTHDAY AND THE NEXT DAY I GOT 15!!!!!!!!

  6. Webkinz says:

    I do not believe in luck. But i do believe black cats are ADORABLE!

  7. Candycat609 says:

    I believe in luck, both sides, both ways. Bad and good. :3 Ignoring that, I got them all right! >:3 Fear my intelligence! XD

  8. Emily says:

    This test is easy.I got all right the first try.LOL.I make myself laugh!P.s:YO MAMA!

  9. Nananananananana says:

    How come there is only 1 page? where did da other commets go??

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