Quiz: What is your ultimate adventure?







Take the quiz and find out what your ultimate adventure might be!


Your favorite animal is a(n):
a) Elephant
b) Chinchilla
c) Sheep
d) Polar bear


Your favorite season is:

a)      Summer

b)      Fall

c)       Spring

d)      Winter



Your favorite flavor of gum is:
a) Strawberry
b) Grape
c) Traditional bubblegum!
d) Peppermint


Your favorite kind of day is:
a) Bright and sunny
b) Rainy – and throw in a thunderstorm for good measure!
c) Cool and cloudy
d) Snowy and cold

If someone offered you part of their snack, and it was a food you had never seen before, you’d likely say:
a) “Looks delish! Sure, I’ll have some!”
b)  “Maybe just a little bite.”
c) “Uh, thanks but no thanks.”
d) “I’ll eat anything you don’t want. And anything you do want. Hey, I’ll eat anything!”

Your favorite gemstone is:
a) Diamond
b) Ruby
c) Sapphire
d) Topaz


Which one would you be most likely to try?

a)      Hiking up a mountain

b)      Riding a unicycle

c)       Performing in front of an audience

d)      Sky diving



If you got mostly A’s – You’ve got an adventurous spirit! You love to travel and visit new places. You’re not afraid to learn about new things and you’re willing to give everything a try – at least once! A great adventure for you would be visiting a new city and experiencing a new culture – and some tasty new foods!


If you got mostly B’s – Your idea of adventure is a little tamer than most – but that’s OK! There’s an adventurous spirit deep inside you – it just needs a little push! The best adventure for you might be to go camping with friends or family.


If you got mostly C’s – You definitely aren’t a huge fan of adventure – not in the traditional sense, anyway. Maybe you’re adventurous in your reading selections, or your choice of clothing or restaurants. Start small with an adventure in your own city – explore an area you’ve never been before, or visit a new museum or gallery.


If you got mostly D’s – Adventure is your middle name! You’re not afraid of anything – and you have the scars to prove it! You’re always the first one leading the charge – you’ll be the one to discover a new civilization or a brand new planet. No matter where you go, adventure is sure to follow. And if there is no adventure to be found – you’ll create one!

57 Responses to Quiz: What is your ultimate adventure?

  1. chloe says:

    i am c. oh yeah!

  2. Silent Velvet says:

    I got 1 A 2 B’s 1 C and 3 D’s. I’m a D person, although I do like chinchilla’s and rainy days:)

    Au Revoir

    Silent Velvet

  3. Wormy says:

    Just try to keep track in your head or on paper. You will probably be a mix..
    I think I am a B and a C

  4. tarmi says:

    Can somebody please tell me how I answer those questions because I would really like to answer those questions but I need somebody’s help on how I answer them and if I answer them in webkinz world or on Webkinz Newz. If you know something please let me know but if you dont that is okay.

    • Addict502 says:

      What do you mean? All you do is look at the questions and answers, and choose the answers that fit you best. Keep track of what letter you got each time (a, b, c, d). When you’re done you look at the bottom, find the letter you had the most of, and read what it says about you. That’s all you have to do. $~Addict502~$

  5. ~IceWolf~ says:

    I am mostly D’s! And it’s true, adventure DOES follow me, and when it doesn’t, I create some! And my gemstone is a diamond ’cause that’s my birthstone (April)! This quiz is MY favorite one yet! ~IceWolf* = [)
    P.S. I wanna see Ganz make a Sig Siberian Husky, don’y you guys?

    • Moonstar says:

      Oh, I was born in Dec.
      I would so want a Signature Bengal more than a Siberian. Since thier domestic and wild cat origins, I think that it would be a big seller. ( They have asian leopard in them. ) I think since they are like half and half, they would make it up to, maybe a little below Choco lab status. Like by popularity. I also have 2, so I would get 2. -Moonstar◙◙◙

  6. dirdenjan says:

    I’m a sapphire. but blue is so not my color. If sapphire is even blue. HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE.

  7. Webkinz Girl~ says:

    I’m a C. Is that bad? My birthstone is Topaz.

    Webkinz Girl~

  8. dirdenjan says:

    Soooooo with u moonstar. i love traveling and trying new things. but the thing is. i would like to hike up a mountain.

  9. Addict502 says:

    Cool! I’m mostly B’s. Except my favorite gemstone is a sapphire; it’s also my birthstone! And the activity I’d be most likely to try is sky diving. :) $~Addict502~$

  10. Moonstar says:

    Yah, I am so a D person. I explore way too much. ;) I DO have some scars to prove it, very long story though! -Moonstar◙◙◙

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