Quiz: What kind of club should you make?






1.       If I could visit anywhere in the world it would be

a)      Paris
b)      Rome
c)       The Amazon Rain Forest
d)      Stratford on Avon
e)      The Pyramids at Giza

2.       My favorite item in the W Shop is:

a)      The Antique Iron Stove
b)      The ‘How to Draw Webkinz’ Book
c)       The Cherry Blossom Tree
d)      The Wise Wizards Bookshelves
e)      The Paleolithic Cave Painting

3.       The figure I most identify with is:

a)      Julia Child
b)      Leonardo Da Vinci
c)       David Suzuki
d)      J.K. Rowling
e)      Indiana Jones

4.       My pet’s favorite activity Kinzville is:

a)      Watching The Secret Chef with Chef Gazpacho
b)      Painting class at the Kinzville Academy
c)       Exploring The Caring Valley
d)      Reading the W Tales
e)      Mining for gems at The Curio Shop

5.       My favorite book is:

a)      A cookbook
b)      A sketchbook
c)       A bird watcher’s manual
d)      A great piece of fiction
e)      A scrapbook

6.       My mother can’t keep me out of:

a)      The fridge
b)      The craft supplies
c)       My backyard
d)      The library
e)      The second hand shop

7.       When my friends come over I can’t wait to:

a)      Serve them a new recipe
b)      Show them my new painting
c)       Give them a cutting from one of my plants
d)      Lend them a one of my favorite books
e)      Show them a rare coin I found on the street

If you answered mostly ‘A’s, a baking club would be the perfect way to satisfy your appetite for cooking up exotic new foods. You and your friends can exchange recipes, arrange baking parties, and share dishes that you’ve prepared. You’d better find a clubhouse with a kitchen nearby. Bon appétit!

If you answered mostly ‘B’s, use your creativity to start a craft club with your friends. Gather your friends who love crafting and art and pool your supplies to create a clubhouse that can double as a studio. And don’t forget a smock!

If you answered mostly ‘C’s, plant the idea of an environmental club with your friends. Share your love of nature by exploring outdoor spaces in your area and taking part in conservation efforts in your community. A tree house is definitely the ideal choice for your clubhouse.

If you answered mostly ‘D’s, read up on starting a book club with your friends. Meet in the library to discuss your favorite books or find a clubhouse with a lot of shelf space. This could be a new chapter in your life.

If you answered mostly ‘E’s, start collecting friends for a Collectors’ Club. If you love searching out unique and rare treasures, a Collectors’ Club will give you the opportunity to expand your collection AND your knowledge. A Collectors’ Club is one you will always treasure.

34 Responses to Quiz: What kind of club should you make?

  1. scoobydfan27 says:

    All b’s, going to have a webkinz craft club, going to have fun

  2. littlefoot1019 says:

    I got D’s and I love to read!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dutdedo says:

    I was mostly A’s and B’s.

  4. pranga8 says:

    I would like to start an environmental club

  5. kzuop9 says:

    i don’t know what 2 choose!!!! my answers are A D B B D D B. I love both art and reading.

  6. WinterFawn. says:

    Mostly D’s.

  7. Aragorn Luver says:

    i got 2 Bs so i should start a craft club but i’m not. no one would come.

  8. Insanity98 says:

    I got mostly E’s, but I have a part from each of them, so yeah. Like I love the Earth, reading, baking, and all of the categories, so this test isn’t exactly true, sorry.

  9. Lugwee says:

    Cool!! i think collectors club is awesome!!

  10. GIRLvsWILD says:

    Hi! Girl vs. Wild here! Calling from Paris. Just came from Rome. Before Rome, Denmark! Going to Swden tomorrow. Check soon for more updates.

    • webkinzkiddies says:

      ~*~ Feather Light Shoes Club ~*~

      I started that club in the Forum about a week ago…it’s been FUN! We can win prizes…Love that! Come on over and join us! :)

      • Ima itchy cockatiel says:

        I got the Wacky Hot Air Balloon! I got it too!

        • Superp says:

          I ended up with a cooking craft club! Weird, isn’t it? Kinda funny, actually. :lol: Except i don’t know how to cook. I should get the cook books out now. ( But why would i? :roll: ) Maybe instead i should set up some tables with trays of paint on them in my basement! :?: Ugh! this is show hard! Help me!
          (I am a girl too.)

          - Superp <3 <3 <3

          P.s. What clubs did you other people get? I'd love to know!

          • 8-Paw says:

            Cool, I ended up with the book club, but if I were to make a club I would probably make an environmental club because I’m not the sort of person who likes to make a club about books… I just “gossip” about them with my friends because it can be sort of boring to turn books into a club, I just love books that’s why I got this result. But I think the environmental club sounds REALLY fun.

            ~8clawpaw ***

          • Hello! says:

            I got the book club, which is good, because I adore reading (plus, all my answers were D!). :D
            In case someone doesn’t know, Stratford on Avon is a place in England. I would LOVE to go to England. :)

        • Webkinzplayer says:

          How did you win it?

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