Quiz: What kind of friend are you?






1.       When I am with my friends, we like to:

a)      Make crafts and bake
b)      Play games and sports
c)      Dance and plan parties
d)      Talk and share our feelings

2.       My friends would describe me as

a)      Artsy and creative
b)      Athletic and energetic
c)       Fun and outgoing
d)      Quiet and thoughtful

3.       When my friend comes to me with a problem, I try to help by

a)      Offering a solution to their problem
b)      Distracting them with fun activities
c)       Making them laugh
d)      Just being there for them and listening

4.       When I meet new people I break the ice by

a)      Including them in my activities
b)      Tossing them a ball and asking them to play
c)       Inviting them to a party
d)      Waiting for them to approach me

5.       The friends I like to hang around with most are

a)      A group of friends who share my interests
b)      My teammates
c)       New people all the time
d)      One or two close friends

6.       When planning activities with your friends, you

a)      Plan carefully and make sure everyone knows what’s happening
b)      Plan ahead, but go with the flow if things change
c)      Get together and see what happens
d)      Like your friends to take the lead

7.       When there is a disagreement among you and your friends, you

a)      Try to bring everybody together to reach a compromise
b)      Don’t sweat it – things work themselves out
c)       Spend time with other people until it blows over
d)      Give your friends some space to cool down

If you answered mostly ‘A’s, you are a ‘Project Leader’ type of friend. You like to plan ahead and make sure everyone is on the same page. You like to keep busy doing the things you enjoy and you love organizing activities for you and your friends.  You will take the lead with your friends when necessary but you always try to respect your friends’ feelings and make sure everyone is included.

If you answered mostly ‘B’s, you are a ‘Team Player’ type of friend. You like to get together with your friends with the aim of blowing off steam and having fun. You don’t take things too seriously which is one of the things your friends admire about you. You are easy-going and don’t let things get to you which makes you a pleasure to be around.

If you answered mostly ‘C’s, you are a ‘Party Planner’ type of friend. You just wanna have fun and all your friends know it. Your outgoing, fun-loving personality means that you make new friends easily and love to be surrounded by a large group of friends. You like to throw parties with your friends but your carefree attitude means you’re just as happy with impromptu get-togethers.

If you answered mostly ‘D’s, you are a ‘Pillar of Support’ type of friend. You may seem quiet and shy to some people, but your friends know that they have someone they can really count on in you. You like to share your feelings with only a select few, but your quiet, thoughtful manner inspires fierce loyalty in your closest confidantes.

68 Responses to Quiz: What kind of friend are you?

  1. IceWolf says:

    I got mostly D’s too. And its true, I am VERY shy (definitly NOT on the computer though) at school, and all my friends try to make me talk, but I am just too shy. In my class I am known to be shy and untalkative (without words, I am mean to ‘most’ of the boys in my class), but I am also best known as the best drawer in the class. I LOVE to draw wolves. I think people like my drawings because they have so much detail. My friends are VERY nice to me. ~IceWolf

    • Iceprincess says:

      I have a friend and she is so so so mean and I had my feelings hurt…on my birthday!!! :-(

      • Diamond crest says:

        Aw thats terrible! :( Sorry for you!
        Any way I am quiet in my class but with my friends and in public and at my house, wow! my mom says I can talk a dog away from a meat truck! Well thats a new one!!!
        Oh and Iceprincess, why is she your friend if you dont like her and she is mean to you? Just a thought, you might NOT want to be her friend.
        ~Diamond Crest*

      • SnakeZ75 says:

        If she is mean then she is obviously not a very good friend. Have you thought about telling her how you feel?

  2. 1987kmh says:

    i got al d’s.and it is true,i’m quiet and my friends know they can count on me.

  3. boisequeen says:

    Its not wrong to have 2 Bffs! I have 2 bffs and we are just fine!

  4. user100 says:

    very well done

  5. Courtney's glitterbook 777 says:

    I agree with you!!!! but I don’t really know her though… That would be really nice of her anyways!!! :-)

  6. Munkiemee says:

    Mostly A’s. :D I don’t really like planning get-togethers though. I like my friends to do that kind of stuff.

  7. cool cat 90 says:

    I AM A A’s girl yay . ps . so cooool . pss . want to be friends moonstar ?, user name bluelunchbox .

  8. merkeeper says:

    I’m a D friend. I’m the kind of friend i’d like to have :lol:

  9. Brave4ever says:

    Like it

  10. Moonstar says:

    I got all C’s exept for 1 D! -Moonstar*

    • Moonstar says:

      I love these little quizzes! They are really fun even sometimes they arn’t super accurate. This was spot on about me! I love to throw parties and get together! Just this weekend, I had a sleepover at my BFF’s house, then she came to my house for a sleep over! #5 I answered D because I think it is wrong to have more than 1 BFF. Then, you have 2 BFF and 1 has to be better than the other, it means BEST friend. -Moonstar*

      • really?? says:

        not necessarily, moonstar…..all of my friends are my BFF’s cuz they r all so great i cant choose which one is the best!!

        • Moonstar says:

          Jeez, that is just what I thought. -Moonstar*

          • 5-EYES sees clearly says:

            YAH i have 4 BFFs and i dont think that there is a wrong point of view about friends as long as u treat them like friends. and BTW i got D A D D B D. no Cs. i am NOT quiet. im the opposite pretty much. if u want 2 b my friend my username is CostanceContraire. :D!!!

          • Katie/oldwooffie says:

            R U the person that was Constance???
            ADD me! usrname: oldwooffie

          • ESL says:

            i have 4 BFFs too! i got all d’s!

          • Dawnstar says:

            Actually, I’m really unpredictable. I got 2 A’s, 2 B’s, 1 C, and 2 D’s. -*Dawnstar*

          • Diamond crest says:

            I know right! I had 2 bffs once and it did NOT work out. Next school year I’m gonna have 3 bffs! That way if me and lets say Julie are talking, then Kit and Rebbeca can talk while we talk. That way no one gets left out or feels like the “third wheel”. Every one was treated equally and fairly. That should work!
            -Diamond Crest
            P.S. I made those names up. Those people are not actually people I know and or talk to!
            P.P.S. Please send me your feed back on my idea. This is new and experimental so please comment!

          • waht// says:

            i guessed that…those are names of AG dolls!!

          • Blacky92625 says:

            I think it’s a good idea, but the truth is I have tried that before and it hasn’t worked out that great. (strong)

          • Constance says:

            i’ve tried it and the only prob was that one girl quit hanging out w me!! :(! i was soo sad!! but everthin’s ok now so GO FOR IT!

      • Tuffyrocks123789 says:

        I got B, B, A, D, D, D, C, in that order, i guess I’m a combo friend:)

        • fan. says:

          I got all D’s except for the last one. Me and my friends never fight, so I didn’t know what to answer for that one. I just skipped it. I guess I’m a “Pillar of support”.

      • lmk03 says:

        Actually BFF means Best Friend Forever. – lmk03

        • Iceprincess says:

          True that girl!!!! and I hate to be loud I would be your BFF… and that girl I was talking about,she did hurt my feelings and …. she even says she wants to fit in with the popular crowd….. and also she says (I’m so perfect not even you are cool) well I am not popular and I need advice how to get her to stop doing this to me!!! I love glitter….. do you????? :LoL:

        • Diamond crest says:

          BFFL means Best Friends For Life. That’s what me and my friends use!

    • lmk03 says:

      me too Moonstar! -lmk03

    • Laurenn says:

      I got 3 D’s and 3 A’s and 1 C. I think I resemble answer D though. If you want to be my friend, my username is aoryona.

    • Iceprincess says:

      Anywho….. what does C and D mean??? :-)

    • cookie kookoo says:

      i got mostly d’s. its true, i love to help my friends through issues. that’s why my friends and i never fight, there aren’t any secrets between us. i agree,, i love these quizzes!!!

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