Quiz: What kind of friend are you?






1.       When I am with my friends, we like to:

a)      Make crafts and bake
b)      Play games and sports
c)      Dance and plan parties
d)      Talk and share our feelings

2.       My friends would describe me as

a)      Artsy and creative
b)      Athletic and energetic
c)       Fun and outgoing
d)      Quiet and thoughtful

3.       When my friend comes to me with a problem, I try to help by

a)      Offering a solution to their problem
b)      Distracting them with fun activities
c)       Making them laugh
d)      Just being there for them and listening

4.       When I meet new people I break the ice by

a)      Including them in my activities
b)      Tossing them a ball and asking them to play
c)       Inviting them to a party
d)      Waiting for them to approach me

5.       The friends I like to hang around with most are

a)      A group of friends who share my interests
b)      My teammates
c)       New people all the time
d)      One or two close friends

6.       When planning activities with your friends, you

a)      Plan carefully and make sure everyone knows what’s happening
b)      Plan ahead, but go with the flow if things change
c)      Get together and see what happens
d)      Like your friends to take the lead

7.       When there is a disagreement among you and your friends, you

a)      Try to bring everybody together to reach a compromise
b)      Don’t sweat it – things work themselves out
c)       Spend time with other people until it blows over
d)      Give your friends some space to cool down

If you answered mostly ‘A’s, you are a ‘Project Leader’ type of friend. You like to plan ahead and make sure everyone is on the same page. You like to keep busy doing the things you enjoy and you love organizing activities for you and your friends.  You will take the lead with your friends when necessary but you always try to respect your friends’ feelings and make sure everyone is included.

If you answered mostly ‘B’s, you are a ‘Team Player’ type of friend. You like to get together with your friends with the aim of blowing off steam and having fun. You don’t take things too seriously which is one of the things your friends admire about you. You are easy-going and don’t let things get to you which makes you a pleasure to be around.

If you answered mostly ‘C’s, you are a ‘Party Planner’ type of friend. You just wanna have fun and all your friends know it. Your outgoing, fun-loving personality means that you make new friends easily and love to be surrounded by a large group of friends. You like to throw parties with your friends but your carefree attitude means you’re just as happy with impromptu get-togethers.

If you answered mostly ‘D’s, you are a ‘Pillar of Support’ type of friend. You may seem quiet and shy to some people, but your friends know that they have someone they can really count on in you. You like to share your feelings with only a select few, but your quiet, thoughtful manner inspires fierce loyalty in your closest confidantes.

68 Responses to Quiz: What kind of friend are you?

  1. emily says:

    i have a friend he is so mean what do i do.

    • pozy2010 says:

      don’t ignore him. the best way to make someone stop being mean to you is to play a prank. it works. maybe a bag of water in his desk or glue on his chair. also, if you know someone that is his friend, ask them what their favorite thing is. but what always works no matter what is to embarrass him. even if you get in trouble, it is definitely worth it.

  2. CoolCat says:

    Cool I got all D’s except for one! They were totally right, I am that kind of friend. I like how Webkinz is giving each month a theme, its cool. My birthday is in June so its cool it is friendship month. I’m going to invite some friends over this Saturday for a birthday party! YAH! :) ;)

    _ CoolCat

  3. Pinkydo9902 says:

    I’m only D’s… I guess I’m just shy and I’m afraid to say things that would hurt other people’s feeling. :]

  4. Veronica says:

    I got an equal amount of A’s and D’s… it really fits. I’m very, very shy and quiet, DEFINETLY not athletic in any sort, but my teachers and parents say I’m a good leader and I work well with people and that I’m good at figuring out things and solving problems. (Sorry for all the “and’s”) I agree.

    These little quizzes are great. I love them, and they help you learn things about yourself and what’s best for you. They’re not always that accurate, but a lot of times, for me, they are. Thanks for another great thing, Ganz!

  5. Anna6090 says:

    I answered A’s most of the time, so I guess I’m a planner :)

  6. Addict502 says:

    I answered all Ds. Describes me fairly well. . .

  7. Webkinz member says:

    I got all ‘D’s', And everything they said was exactly right about me. I don’t talk to people unless they talk to me first and when I talk my voice is so quiet it gets squeeky! I get emmbaresed in school cause when its my turn to do a speech I jyst freeze and I don’t say a word and I blush and everyone is staring at me then my teacher comes up and makes me talk!

  8. megancub101 says:

    I am fun and outgoing! I chose 3 C’s 2 D’s 2 B’s

  9. veron101 says:

    all A’s XD

  10. C says:

    I’m an ‘A’ friend!!! Artsy and Creative!!!!

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