Quiz: What should your lucky charm be?

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, and everyone knows that green is lucky – but to be EXTRA fortunate, maybe you should carry around a lucky charm! Just for fun, let’s see what your lucky charm should be!








The best color is:
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Yellow
D) Green

The best animal is:
A) Tiger
B) Elephant
C) Starfish
D) Frog

The best shape is:
A) Circle
B) Oval
C) Star
D) Heart

The best insect is:
A) Butterfly
B) Bumblebee
C) Firefly
D) Ladybug

The best place to vacation is the:
A) City
B) Beach
C) Mountains
D) Country


Mostly A’s: Keep your eyes peeled for a lucky penny – it would be the ideal charm for you!

Mostly B’s: A rock is your best bet for a charm – smooth rocks are also great for holding onto when you’re nervous or worried about something.

Mostly C’s: Anything star-shaped is perfect for you. Whether it’s a locket or a bead or a sticker, stars are  your thing!

Mostly D’s: Start searching through fields and meadows, because your ideal lucky charm is the much sought-after four leaf clover!

50 Responses to Quiz: What should your lucky charm be?

  1. Cool_Kinz97 says:

    i’m C

  2. hey hi says:

    i got B A C A C. what is my charm?????? some one help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you. :)

  3. TangTiger says:

    I got a mix of A’s and B’s so my lucky charm is pennies and rocks. I kinda prefer pennies. :)

  4. webkinz ruled says:

    i got astar it rocks

  5. flower says:

    I have my rock!!!!! it came frome the beach in GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Dorito says:

    I better start picking some four leaf clovers.

  7. John says:

    Mine is a four leaf clove! guess what! i found one!

  8. fanofthefrog says:

    I got DDACB. I guess four leaf clover

  9. Lilly the catlover says:

    I said pretty much everything! LOL! I must be CrAsY!!!!!!!!

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