Red Squirrel Contest Winners

Congratulations to Chicora, Riley, Jessica, Izzy and Krynn, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Red Squirrel, November’s Pet of the Month! We wanted to know your top 10 Halloween treats, and the treat that got the most votes was candy corn!

Adopt the Red Squirrel any time in November to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

27 Responses to Red Squirrel Contest Winners

  1. tinkerdust99 says:

    Fantastic job everybody who won and entered!! <3

  2. sarazin71592 says:

    I didn’t win. But thats OK :) Congrats to you winners I hope your excited!

  3. WebkinzLova223 says:

    Congrats to all winners!!!~~~

  4. WebkinzLova223 says:

    Congrats to all winners!!!

  5. riley barber says:

    I won but i can’t find my red squirrel:(

  6. cathouse2 says:

    Congrats red squirrel winners! Enjoy your new POTM! >>cathouse2

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    Candy corn is obvious!!!!

  8. Mia says:

    You people who choose them are so mean. Want to know why? Well because I worked my butt off so hard just to think of my ten favorite candy types!

  9. Glossy says:

    Oh yay! Congrats to the winners! I voted for candy corn, it is my favorite halloween candy. ~Glossy~

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