Resolutions from the ‘Kinz










It’s  January 1 and you know what that means…resolution time! I decided to put on my reporter’s hat and visit my friends to find out what they hope to accomplish this year!




Molly: As much as it pains me to say this, I’m going to try to be nicer to Millie this year. She can be so difficult sometimes, and that drives me CRAZY. But yelling at her doesn’t work, so maybe being nice to her will? I don’t know. I’m willing to try anything at this point.


Roberta:  Well, everyone saw my little fashion catastrophe of 2011, so I’m hoping to put that behind me and sashay my way through 2012 looking like a fashionista. Or at least a little more put together. I’ve got some ideas, and I’ve been talking to PJ. Hopefully this year’s fashions are memorable for a good reason!


Sparky: Man, Uncle Arte and I were talking about resolutions the other day. I wanted mine to be ‘improve my video gaming skills’, but he said those are good enough already. Uncle Arte STRONGLY suggested that I focus my energy on bringing up my grades. After failing that math test, I guess he’s probably right. I never want to see another F on my paper! Fortunately, Alex said he’d help me out this year. Yay for good friends!


Stoogles: I was trying to figure out what I needed to work on and honestly? It wasn’t easy. I’m good at a lot of things! I asked my BFF, Salley, and she said that something I’m NOT great at is listening. Can you believe that?! She doesn’t think I listen very well! I’m not sure what else she said after that, because I kind of stopped listening.


Hm. Maybe she has a point.



Salley: 2011 wasn’t exactly what I imagined it would be. It was a tough year for me – and I don’t think I was giving my whole heart to being the school council president. So I’m going to try harder this year! Harder than ever before. I’m going to be awesome and make the Kinzville Academy the BEST school ever. Get ready, fellow students, to have your socks officially knocked off!


Cowabelle: In 2012, I have only one resolution: to find a permanent volunteer position. I worked in the soup kitchen over the holidays to help with the extra work, and maybe that’s the place for me. I just want to check out my options before I commit. I really like helping Webkinz in need – and there are lots of different places around town. Maybe I’ll help at more than one place!



Alex: Well, I know it sounds silly, but my resolution is to find a new kind of plant or rock. It’s not an easy thing to do, but if anyone knows about plants and rocks, it’s me! I’ve been studying them forever. I’m going to see if Sparky will go exploring in the woods with me and help gather specimens. I AM helping with his homework, after all!


Purr-Cilla: My resolution is simple and will probably be pretty easy to accomplish: overthrow Salley Cat in the Student Council. Become the Kinzville Academy’s new president. They should’ve voted for me anyway. I mean, who managed to pull the Fall Fair together? Me! And who kept the two weirdos (Salley and Stoogles) from totally messing up our Christmas concert? Moi! So yeah, I’m basically the president they need. And this year, they’ll see that. And regret not letting me rule sooner.


Nibbles: My resolution is to do something BIG and important this year. I’m not always the first one to come up with huge ideas – but this year is the year of the hippo. This hippo! Watch out, world – I’m going to do something awesome. I just don’t know what yet.


28 Responses to Resolutions from the ‘Kinz

  1. popy380 says:

    stoogles was so funny! LOL “i kind of stopped lisining… hm.. mabye she has a point” ROFL, if anyone dosent know what that means then it means rolls on floor laghing.

  2. runts says:


  3. flowerr678 says:

    hi everyone my resolution is to be more helpful around the house which i am already am but more and to do better in school and to be a better sister to my siblings which i have five siblings and to be a better person
    is anybody ready to go back to school i am not i want all the year of lol i am going to be in sixth grade this year yay
    i bet it’s harder then 5th but 5th is still hard i think i saw that a few people were in 5th grade here on webkinz newz
    oh i have another resolution to get better at soccer because soccer rocks oh mom want me to help around the house lol
    well have a good year everybody
    your furry friend at webkinz

  4. Webkinz#1 says:

    What is your resolutions? I read some of yours and I thought those were awesome!

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