
It’s a new year, so you know what that means – New Year’s Resolutions! Let’s find out what some of Webkinz World’s residents resolve to do this year:

Fred Rover: I resolve to continue being the AWESOME sportscaster you know and love. I also resolve to sign more pictures of myself for my adoring fans.

Plumpy: I resolve to stop eating so much chocolate. It’s not going to be easy. I love chocolate. More than ice cream. More than Stubbly Grass Nibbles. Maybe just one piece a day. Or two. Or maybe I’ll just start using my treadmill more often.

PJ Collie: I resolve to put together some fabulous new outfits this year – I’ve got some GREAT ideas in mind. Be prepared to be amazed!

Dex Dangerous: I resolve to keep the moon safe from those dastardly Lugbotz! It’s not an easy job, but I’m up to it!

Lunar Lugbotz: We resolve to continue trying to destroy the moon!

Chef Gazpacho: I resolve to make more delicioso recipes that would make my mama cry tears of happiness!

What are your resolutions, Webkinz fans?

72 Responses to Resolutions

  1. ollie says:

    to have world peace and a rockin year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. karis says:

    i love this idea u guys are awsomeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ribbon lion says:

    i resolve to get more and more webkinz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Josie says:

    My resolution is to become more quiet and less annoying to my brother.

  5. Sparkle8293 says:

    My new years resolution is to play more often with my friends. That’s going to be hard because I adore video games!

  6. Kaylee says:

    I AGREE with curlingrocks.

  7. neonmonkey says:

    i resolve to try to work on my room for 1 min per week

  8. SUN says:

    those who made the resolution, i agree with you all. and… not who you would call the person people really notice in my school, in fact, im almost completely ignored. i guess I’ll have to work on that too.

  9. Anonymous says:

    take better care of my hamster is my reselution

  10. adriennefriend says:

    I’m very christian and i do agree with claire! my biggest new years resolution is to pray and read the bible more. its so great to know that so many people love the lord. keep on believing!!

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