Roberta’s Fashion Disaster







Well, today was not the best one in the history of Roberta Rabbit. Guess what happened? I took PJ’s fashion advice…but (unsurprisingly), I got it wrong.

PJ told me to “be bold” and “mix my patterns” and “not be afraid of making interesting statements with fashion”.

Uh, yeah.

So I ended up wearing a black-and-white checkered skirt (cute, right?), a neon pink and blue striped top (still cute?), bright yellow knee socks (they were bold!), white sunglasses (for a hint of glam?) and a puffy black jacket with red zippers.

And then I ran into Purr-Cilla and Malena.

And guess what they called me?

Fashion Disaster. FD for short. And that’s what they’ve been calling me ALL DAY. They pass me in the hall and yell “Yo, FD!” They even came up with a chant.

“Roberta went and bought clothes to last her,

But instead, they made her a fashion disaster!”

Yeah, not exactly nice.

Anyway, Ms. Cowoline told them to stop (and gave them detention- ha!). I’m not really worried about Purr-Cilla (who cares what she thinks), but my FRIENDS were a little…shocked…at my outfit.

I just can’t get the hang of this fashion stuff. I don’t know how everyone looks so effortlessly put together! It IS like rocket science for me. Sigh. Back to the ol’ drawing board, I guess.

16 Responses to Roberta’s Fashion Disaster

  1. shine says:

    No offense, Roberta, but that sounds bad. Tip: Go with one or two colors.

  2. Jessica says:

    Hey, Roberta.
    This is a typical problem, it took me some time to find my style, too.
    I want to help you with giving you some examples:
    Start with a Ruffled Skirt( I luv that one), combine it with Slouch Boots or Ruffled Sequin Sandals.
    You could wear the Cardi with pink top, in winter I would wear the Fuzzy Winter Hat, in summer just put a sparkly pink bow in your hair.
    When you go to a party, you should wear Denim Romp Wear, combined with Rhinestone Flats or Ruffled Sequin Sandals.
    You will be a total Trendsetter!

    Please ADD ME! alishajessica

  3. FinnickLuver says:

    Wow. That does sound like a fashion disaster. She should go on What Not to Wear. I won the fashion flair award last year and stuff so yeah.

  4. blahblah says:

    that’s so mean of them. they’re just a bunch of meanies. u just have to stand up to them. u’ll be all right. :lol: :D

  5. Meebas4343 says:

    I don’t care about fashion. It gets you nowhere in life. I made a picture of your outfit and it was epic. If only I could jump into the story

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m sorry you got teased Roberta…just go with whatever style you like.

  7. lillyluvie says:

    Awww its okay Roberta. Pick clothes that mix AND match. Not JUST mix up all of the clothes. A couple of items should match to give the outfit a look that represents a certain color, mixed with a few other colors. :D :D

    *Luv from LillyLuvie*

  8. WackyWebber says:

    Glad I don’t have this problem…At least no one’s ever said I do. :lol: ~WW

  9. follow2 says:

    Wow! That sucks! Purr- Cilla and Malene both r mean.

  10. MDIChickadee says:

    Oh, Roberta! I, too, have the problem of just not understanding clothes. I have a friend who helps me. Maybe you can take a list of clothes you have to PJ, and ask her to help you create outfits with what you have. I am willing to bet she would do it and can be good at doing it. And then you will have plan. Wear those for a while, then make a plan yourself, take it to PJ, and see what she thinks. You are smart. You will figure it out. I tend to wear a group of colors that go together and mix-and-match with them. I will never be a fashion setter, but that is okay. Purr-Cilla and Malena are mean. I just cannot believe how mean they were. Ugh. No fun.

    • krystalkat says:

      Good idea MDIChickadee!

      • harrypotterrocks says:

        Well….. I’m not much of a fashion expert but, I have my own style. Most girls wear those really short shorts and those types of clothes but I wear skirts with flower patterns and a simple t-shirt and that’s me and you know what??? I like it! Other people don’t have to though.


    • puppyluvver says:

      a bit of fashion advice, roberta:
      when creating an outfit, make sure you only have ONE eye catching piece. make the rest solid or mostly solid color. your choices of clothing would have looked great individually, but combined, there was just too much going on, know what i mean? that checkered skirt would have looked good with a dark, solid sweater, i think. maybe blue or purple. that striped top would have looked good with plain jeans.

      • calyctus says:

        Great advice! Sometimes bolder patterns can be mixed, but it takes a practiced eye to know which ones. I’m with MDIChickadee: if you want to mix the bolder items, run your combinations past PJ first. Once you have some practice with it, you will probably be able to make your own rockin’ combos. Remember, too, fashion is an art–not a science–and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so not everyone will always love the same outfit. But whatever you wear, confidence is the best accessory.

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