Roberta Moves


Cowabelle here – I just got home and boy am I tired! We had Roberta’s moving party today and it was a ton of fun. We basically helped Roberta move her stuff all morning (whew!) and then Salley and I left all sneaky-like. We snuck over to my house and got some chips, fruit punch and a carrot cake. We surprised Roberta and her parents – and they were so pleased that they ordered pizza! We spread out a sheet on the floor and ate, picnic-style! What a great way to end a busy day!










18 Responses to Roberta Moves

  1. Stereo Hearts says:

    Sounds like they had fun! I actually had waffles for dinner last night, I love breakfast for dinner! :lol:

  2. Dragonfish says:

    Sweet! Sounds like a lot of fun! (*(*dragonfish*)*)

  3. Webkinzlover346 says:

    Your are a good friend Cowabell!! And all of the other kinz too!!! I had chips and a salad for dinner!!! ( With some skittles for dessert!!!!!:)

  4. geva4isawesome says:

    I;m sure the party was a big success!!! Speaking of dinner I’m going to have dinner in an hour.

  5. fudgeyvanilla says:

    good for you guys! and yet again, congrats on getting the ‘kinz back together! purr-cilla’s going to be SOOOOOO raged that her plan didn’t work!!

  6. Northwestern...yeah, we did says:

    I just finished having pasta and bread for dinner! :lol:

    • FireWolves says:

      That sounds nice! Northwestern, but its 4:51pm ( where I am ) my dinner, corn, pasta, and possibly yogurt…. I’m a picky eater :) :oops:

      • lightpapa says:

        Cool! That’s a lot like what happened at my house yesterday! My sister went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house, my other Grandma and Grandpa came, friends came, and we had a surprise Birthday party for her! IT WAS AWESOME! Well, I didn’t like getting the little kids to be QUIET while they were hiding…

  7. jennifer says:

    Cowabelle!!!!!That was sooooo sweet of you. jennifer

  8. Sonici says:

    How Nice Of You Cowabelle!!! I Bet You And Roberta Will Hang Out Together MUCH More!! :mrgreen: **~**Sonici**~**

  9. shadow dragon says:

    i wish i was at the party too! it sounds like fun! :)

  10. sparklegirlLT says:

    I wish I could have been there at the party. :) Sounds like a lot of fun! ~(*)sparklegirlLT(*)

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