Roberta Rabbit: Not Looking Forward to Thanksgiving







Hey guys. It’s Roberta rabbit here and boy am I having a rough day. What’s up? Glad you asked. My dad has gone traveling again. He’s a sales rabbit (for the Kinzville Washing Machine Company) and that means he’s on the road a lot. I really miss him when he’s gone, but at least he always tries to make it home for the holidays. This year, it looks like he might be missing Thanksgiving. Can you believe it? My entire family (including all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles and family friends) get together at my grandparents’ house. But not my dad. I don’t understand why he can’t skip the trip – or come home early! Everyone else gets a holiday. It’s not fair. Thanksgiving is kind of ruined for me this year.

49 Responses to Roberta Rabbit: Not Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

  1. 573bkelecha03 says:

    oh roberta i feel super bad

  2. jazzyunicorn says:

    Aw poor Roberta. I’m super excited for Thanksgiving! It’s at my grandparents!

  3. Akira says:

    None of my family comes home to visit for any holidays. )= And this year two people from my immediate family will be gone. I feel sorry for you Roberta.
    Of the Land of the Rising Sun

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    Sorry Roberta.But who knows he just might be able to make it.

  5. softballgirl1998 says:

    Okay I’m confused are the healthy harvest and Thanksgiving challenges the same because all I see is the basket filled with vegetables that’s the only one I have left to do and I haven’t done the Thanksgiving one yet so can someone please help me?


  6. queenicewolf says:

    awes it’s OKAY Roberta my dad travels a LOT too my dad missed to christmas’s so i know what you are feeling like inside. but who knows?? your dad MIGHT be home for the hoiladays i hope so!


  7. softballgirl1998 says:

    My dad is going to away for Thanksgiving and I don’t think we’re having anyone over so my Thanksgiving is going to be bad too :(

  8. softballgirl1998 says:

    Why are you happy that Thanksgiving is ruined for her?

  9. TheGameStar says:

    I feel so bad for her….. it seems bad to not have your mom or dad to not have thanksgiving. Or any siblings for that matter.


  10. sarahandlacey says:

    This is cool! ;-)

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I’m happy for her! :lol:

      • jen says:

        I feel bad for Roberta and anyone who’s relatives can’t make it to Thanksgiving. :cry: It is a holiday to celebrate family.

        • sarahandlacey says:

          Sorry, I read it wrong. I didn’t mean that. I feel bad for her. :lol:

          • softballgirl1998 says:

            Oh okay I was confused there for a while why you were happy for her lol.


          • Northwestern...oh, stop that! says:

            Gee, I’m sorry Roberta, but we aren’t going to have any of that. You know full well that your dad does not want you to feel like Thanksgiving is wasted without him. You know it’s going to be alright, and do this…let’s make this the best Thanksgiving ever so that your father can feel your thankfulness and love wherever he is

          • SwedishLatte says:

            I’m so sorry for you Roberta! :( But even though your dad is gone, let’s chin up and try to make Thanksgiving the best it can be, even though he won’t be there with you. I’m sure he would want you to have a happy Thanksgiving! :D

          • lillyluvie says:

            Aw that really stinks. :cry: But in the end, hopefully you can still see him on Thanksgiving.

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • unknown says:

            Too bad. i hope u will still have a good thanksgiving, or somehow he can come home.

            unknown :mrgreen:

          • krystalkat says:

            Im sorry Roberta. I wish your Dad will come home early for Thanksgiving. :(


        • Hmmmm.... says:

          Hmmmm….Yeah, I know how you feel, Roberta. My baby brother has a high fever, and we were worried we wouldn’t be able to make to Thanksgiving @ my Grandparents’, But my grandmother said she didn’t mind. I love my grandmother!

          • Natural says:

            WHAT! Working on Thanksgiving! This is a very important holiday most people have the day off from work. Roberta my best advice would be try and have fun and have a phone call with your dad.

          • softballgirl1998 says:

            My mom has to work on Thanksgiving :(


          • dewdrop says:

            We don’t have Thanks Giving here in Australia ,but it sounds like it is a great day with family and friends getting togeather :)

          • PeaceGirl5 says:

            Roberta try and have a good thanksgiving anyways!!! :)


        • Fuzzers says:

          Thanks! My Grandpa died last year, and it’s our first thanksgiving without him. It hurts. :(

        • WebkinzWizard:) says:

          I feel really sad for Roberta. :( It’s never fun when some one in your family is gone for a holiday.
          The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

      • Me the Dudette says:

        Are they gonna have one of these for EVERY holiday????? And do any of the Kinz crew celebrate something other than Christmas, or like Kwanzaa AND Christmas or something???

    • casikim says:

      i know exactly how it feels my dad is never home for any holiday or birthday but i’m fine with it cause i have a ton of supportive people in my family so i don’t mind it. besides you have to make the best out of what life hands you so have fun whenever you can. and be thankful for the family that is with you always

    • Doglove says:

      Maybe he could video chat with you on Thanksgiving so you still get to see him .

    • rjbitutsky says:

      Why are you happy for her?

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