Roberta Rabbit: Not Looking Forward to Thanksgiving







Hey guys. It’s Roberta rabbit here and boy am I having a rough day. What’s up? Glad you asked. My dad has gone traveling again. He’s a sales rabbit (for the Kinzville Washing Machine Company) and that means he’s on the road a lot. I really miss him when he’s gone, but at least he always tries to make it home for the holidays. This year, it looks like he might be missing Thanksgiving. Can you believe it? My entire family (including all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles and family friends) get together at my grandparents’ house. But not my dad. I don’t understand why he can’t skip the trip – or come home early! Everyone else gets a holiday. It’s not fair. Thanksgiving is kind of ruined for me this year.

49 Responses to Roberta Rabbit: Not Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

  1. 123rileygirlt says:

    Roberta, please remember that Thanksgiving is a day that we are thankful for what we have. It seems like you really have a lot to be thankful for.

  2. Veronica says:

    There’s so much Thanksgiving talk considering I already celebrated Thanskgiving last month…

  3. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    I feel so sorry for Roberta…( sad)…………………….. :(

  4. ~***StarlightMagic***~ says:

    Aw, poor Roberta!!! I fell so sorry for her!!! Once MY dad was nearly not going to be with my family for Christmas!!!

  5. MARK!!!!!!! says:

    Im so sorry roberta! If my dad could not make it for thanksgiving i would totaly call him so many times!!!!!

  6. me says:

    My pet got sick two times two day.
    shes not going to have an apatite is she gets sick again.
    eney one have this problem

  7. Fuzzers says:

    I’m really sorry! I know how you feel because one christmas, my dad had to work all day, and I only saw him late that night. He wasn’t even there to watch me open his present. The best thing to do is send a letter with your love, and on Thanksgiving, try to focus on other family and friend members, and try not to notice that he isn’t there. Have fun instead of greiving about him not being there, so when he is, you can tell him how much fun you had. Dig into that turkey, too!!!

  8. Fuzzers says:

    Write a letter! Tell him how you feel… You at least know he wants to come!

  9. Cinderpelt says:

    *Sighs* I feel bad for you Roberta but… You should try and make it a good Thanksgiving. Just cause your sad, doesn’t mean everyone else does, too. Your dad still loves you no matter what <3


  10. softballgirl1998 says:

    can anyone answer my above question?


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