Roberta’s Big Makeover


Hey Kids! It’s me, Persephone, back with another tale of fashion woe and triumph! Roberta Rabbit is the subject of today’s makeover.  She came to me asking how she could be more stylish. She felt like her clothes were just ‘not her.’ I couldn’t agree more – look how uncomfortable she looks in this first picture!












And  now look how happy and relaxed she looks!











Roberta and I talked about what she saw in magazines (a great place to look for inspiration), and what kinds of styles she really liked – it turns out she loves comfy, casual clothes and bright colors! When I found this yellow butterfly hoodie on the shelf of my shop, I knew it was perfect for Ms. Roberta! We paired it with a bright orange tank top and added basic blue jeans, bright red glasses (they really draw attention to her eyes), yellow, orange and pink sneakers – and a pop of pink in her barrettes!  She left my store feeling (and looking) like a million bucks! With a quick stop at the hairstylist, her new look was complete!

168 Responses to Roberta’s Big Makeover

  1. unknown says:

    i think she needs another makeover

  2. lover234 says:

    before she looked like an old grandma

  3. melissa212234 says:

    I think that shirt is wierd and that red glasses to mostle lose the glasses and the sweater to and she will look beautiful!!!!!! im going around reading peoples stuff whats wrong with her clothes

  4. I'm really doglover12 but loggeth out I have already yeah you get the idea. says:

    I love her new style but I don’t like her teeth. :| lollsh

  5. Shiningsandwich says:

    Totally cute! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than before!

  6. love sydney says:

    no offense glasses on her are uuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh:(

  7. SHADOW3054 says:

    That’s a makeover. really LOL

  8. SHADOW3054 says:

    LOL she looks like a nerd

  9. zms4 says:


  10. Dutdedo says:

    This is what my brother is saying to me right now. “Dude she’s creepy, well I guess she’s ok” LOL! ROFL! Right?

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