Roberta’s Craft: Homemade Beads



Making homemade beads is one of my favorite things to do. It’s so relaxing! Sometimes I make mine out of paper, but often I’ll mix up a batch of dough and make them out of that. Here’s how to make your own beads!


What you need:

1 cup of flour, 2 tbsp cream of tartar, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, ½ cup salt, 1 cup boiling water (have a grown up help with this), bowl, wooden spoon, grown up assistant, oven, cookie sheet, small straw


What you do:

  1. With your grown up’s help, put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and start mixing them up.
  2. When you’ve got the dough mixed up, take it out of the bowl and squash it around with your fingers to make sure it’s really well combined.
  3. Roll little balls to make beads. Poke a small straw through your beads to make holes (don’t leave the straw in the bead).
  4. When you’ve made your beads, pop them onto a cookie sheet and have your grown up put them in the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes (until they’re dried out).
  5. Let your beads cool off.
  6. When the beads are cool, get some acrylic paint and paint them in interesting designs!
  7. When your paint is dry, string your beads on a string to make a bracelet or necklace!



22 Responses to Roberta’s Craft: Homemade Beads

  1. Camille says:

    U made a lot of excellent stuff with your blog, “Roberta

  2. doglover says:

    i think this a great for when its raining outside so ill save it when it does rain~doglover

  3. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I think this is a great project for a rainy day. I’m gonna give it a shot on the next day that the weather keeps me inside. I agree with Dreamsicle that this would make a great gift for grandma or any other female relative. Thanks again, Roberta.

  4. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I like to make things out of clay too! Beads would be fun to make. I might try this today! >>cathouse2

  5. Dreamsicle says:

    I am gonna ask my Mom to help me make a heart on a ribbon. (it is my grandma’s birthday next week) :) Cool idea Roberta, I hope we see lots more!

  6. KMA says:

    the beads looks like rocks

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    Thats awesome Strawberry Starburst.Cause I`m writing a story too!!! I started at the end of June.

    • Strawberry Starburst says:

      Sure KK. I do art 6 days a week. My mom keeps on signing me up 4 art classes since I’m going in 2 a special art school next year 4 middle school(I got in along w/ 50 other kids. 600 people tried out) That’s cool lovepuppygirl, lightpapa, & KK! I started in October & I’m almost done w/ the book. BTW, did u start on June 30 lovepuppygirl? Because that’s my B-Day! $Strawberry out$

  8. Me says:

    Sculpey works as well.

    • Strawberry Starburst says:

      I use Sculpey more often then the regular clay 4 some reason. When I make about 10-20 sculptures I always set up a garage sale in my garage 2 sell them. People always commented about how I should sell my sculptures since their so good so that’s how it started. I’ve been doing it since 6 months ago. I have 2 put half of the money I earn in 2 my college savings but I get 2 keep the rest 2 buy stuff like Webkinz since my parents make me pay 4 them w/ my own money. Maybe I could try this sometime & add these 2 my garage sales. $Strawberry out$

      • #Solo cup# says:

        wow thats so kool strawberry starburst i make ALL kinds of things with my clay id do that 2 but we’ve never had a yard sale lol!#$0|0<up# ;-) :-) :lol:

        • Strawberry Starburst says:

          Thanks #Solo Cup#. I make animals since I love them. So far, I’ve had 6 garage sales. I like writing 2 so maybe when I finish the book I’m writing, I could make a bunch of copies of it & sell it in my garage sales 2. People r getting kinda bored of sculptures so I’m thinking of selling paintings & drawings I make. A lot of people r a big fan of my artwork even though I’m only 10. $Strawberry out$

          • lightpapa says:

            You’re writing a book, Strawberry Starburst? That’s awesome! I like writing too.

          • krystal says:

            Thats cool Starburst! Can I call you that? Since you keep changing flavors of starburst, lol! I dont do garage sales, I cant give anything away! Memories! I do art too! I have painting (acrylic) lessons once a week! But I do art at home. My first ever sculpture was a mermaid! I got into making sculptures when my friend brought home a sculpture she made of a ladybug on a lillypad with a waterlilly. I also write books! ~KK♥

  9. unet101 says:

    Awesome! But I’m not entirely sure if those are something I would actually wear… I would want to find like super miniature cookie cutters and then gloss the beeds up. Then I’d think about it. Lolz

  10. Mackinze says:

    Roberta that you so much for the recipe. I’m going to try make this next time it’s raining outside and I can’t go out.

    • Northwestern...the adults must be present says:

      My cousins can’t do anything with flour unless teir parents are home because one time Styx fan and his friend had a flour fight and threw it all over the kitchen

    • nihao9 says:

      Awesome Roberta! I am going to make this right now! And LOL @Northwestern! My friends and I once had a competition, to see how can make the best brownies from scratch, (the judges were actually all our mom’s) turns out the winner was M-E, ME! I was so happy! So after that, my friends hide behind me when I was not looking, and poured flour all over my head! It was so funny, then I started throwing flour at them! We were a mess, but it was lots and lots of fun! (it took me forever to get all that flour out of my hair, but no biggie!) Your Friend nihao9! :D

      • Moonstar says:

        :mrgreen: :cool: I’ve had good memories with flour, usually. But once my Mom was pouring the flour out of the bag to make home made pancakes (for a bunch of our friends) and all the flour came out at {close to} the same time and exploded into a dust cloud that was in the kitchen for a while. But it was a lot of fun. :) -Moonstar◙◙◙

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