Roberta’s Diary: Time to Move


Dear Diary,


Guess what? We’re moving REALLY soon! My parents bought another house and put ours for sale this afternoon! Turns out they’ve been looking for awhile (without my knowledge of course), but they hadn’t found anything they LOVED until a few days ago. They put an offer in on the house, and this afternoon it was final – it’s ours!

I haven’t seen it in person, of course, but I did see pictures…and wow! It’s a lot bigger than the house we have now. For starters, I’ll have my own (very large) room, and so will my sibling (although my brother or sister’s room is smaller than mine…which is only fair). The kitchen is bigger and so is the family room. The backyard has a swing set, slide and tree house in it, so my little brother or sister will love that as they get older. My parents said that the basement is mostly finished, and there’s an extra room down there that they’d like me to have as my own craft studio.


I can’t!

And – get this – they even said that Hailey and Elwin could design my craft room AND my new bedroom (my mom actually said that she was going to get them to come in and redo the whole house!).

I feel SO lucky. Oh! And as if all that wasn’t enough? Cowabelle only lives four houses down!

What an awesome day!



40 Responses to Roberta’s Diary: Time to Move

  1. Northwestern says:

    That’s great Roberta! I had to move when I was six from California to Illinois but I wasn’t too sad about it. although I had to leave nice neighbors and my friends but the good thing is my gramps and nana my aunts uncles and cousins and the rest of my family live there. We found a really nice house on a street with lots of kids my age and nice neighbors. @ krystal Kat just be yourself and people will like you for who you are! Smile and be strong and lookout for the not popular kids. They make good friends! Good luck! Northwestern

  2. cathouse2 says:

    That’s AWESOME Roberta! I hope you have TONS of fun! >> cat lover cathouse2

  3. musicgirl00 says:

    Yay Roberta!!!!!!!! See, there’s a plus to having a new sibling!

  4. foxpaws says:

    Roberta, Unless you are frightfully tidy, you should ask your parents it you can have a locking door knob on your craft room. Toddlers are very good at finding things to spill!!! ♥♥♥foxpaws♥♥♥

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    WOW!!!!! So much in 1 day.Your lucky to get your own room cause I share with my sister.

  6. Jordy says:

    OMG! You are so lucky! I have to share a room until our gest room gets decorated( Then it can be MY room)!!!! And you get a craft room! I’d LOVE to have a craft room! Oh I can just see it now….( sorry I was daydreaming) Anyway….I’m HAPPY for you!

  7. live says:

    Cool!!! you must be soooo happy!!! that is a BIG blessing!!! and you get your very own big room!! and all to yourself too!!!!! were are your little siblings going to sleep? will they get there own bedroom too well i am very happy for you!!!!See Ya Live

  8. fluffymilk says:

    i cant wait! hopefully they’ll have pictures of the house, even the backyard! you know the befores and afters. like one room at a time and a new one comes each day! cant wait!

  9. Jitterbug says:

    I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I can’t wait to see what Hailey and Elwin do! I can’t wait to see how this progresses… These stories are so interesting but they take so long to complete! YAYS!

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