Roberta’s Diary: Time to Move


Dear Diary,


Guess what? We’re moving REALLY soon! My parents bought another house and put ours for sale this afternoon! Turns out they’ve been looking for awhile (without my knowledge of course), but they hadn’t found anything they LOVED until a few days ago. They put an offer in on the house, and this afternoon it was final – it’s ours!

I haven’t seen it in person, of course, but I did see pictures…and wow! It’s a lot bigger than the house we have now. For starters, I’ll have my own (very large) room, and so will my sibling (although my brother or sister’s room is smaller than mine…which is only fair). The kitchen is bigger and so is the family room. The backyard has a swing set, slide and tree house in it, so my little brother or sister will love that as they get older. My parents said that the basement is mostly finished, and there’s an extra room down there that they’d like me to have as my own craft studio.


I can’t!

And – get this – they even said that Hailey and Elwin could design my craft room AND my new bedroom (my mom actually said that she was going to get them to come in and redo the whole house!).

I feel SO lucky. Oh! And as if all that wasn’t enough? Cowabelle only lives four houses down!

What an awesome day!



40 Responses to Roberta’s Diary: Time to Move

  1. tanzilovespets says:

    I wish you all the best! you look soooo happy!! Werallunique☺☻♥♪♫☼ ;) :)

  2. Webkinzlover346 says:

    I bet you will LOVE your new house!!!! You have a craft room!!! You are really lucky!!!!!!! And I know you will like living FOUR HOUSES DOWN from Cowabell!!! You guys will have so much fun!!!!!! **** Web luv*****

  3. Orange Starburst says:

    oldwoofie & MDIChickadee r right. Krystalkat, I never experienced moving far away before but here is my philosophy of moving. Just b yourself. Try 2 act friendly 2 fellow students & teachers. The MOST important tip is DON’T WORRY. Hope this helps. :D @krystalkat. Will u friend me? My username is lynn. *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  4. stylegirl12 says:

    hey i am so glad 4 u!! u r really lucky 2 have a friend nearby i moved and had no one close… only this guy next door then he moved… that is another long story but.. i am happy 4 u!! *stylegirl12*

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    WOW! What FABULOUS news!! So happy for you! oldwoofie is right: pictures, please! All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. oldwooffie says:

    THIS IS TOTALLY EPIC! I WANT TO SEE PICTURES ROBERTA! Second Thought: Good for you Roberta! At least (in this case) Moving has only advantages for you.

  7. chiuahualover says:

    AWSOME! I have my own room too!

  8. cassidyswift1 says:

    I’m so happy for you, Roberta! You had told us that you were afraid you might have to share a room with your sibling, but now you don’t! Also, I can’t believe that Hailey and Elwin are redesigning your house! They are great designers. Congrats!

  9. Hello says:

    You are soooo lucky!!!!

  10. jennifer says:

    Oh Roberta! Your going to love having your very own craft room. I have one and their wonderful. lol jenniferobbi

    • LIGHTS says:

      That’s awesome Roberta! CONGRATS!!!

      • krystalkat says:

        So LUCKY Roberta! Guess what! Im moving too! Well were still looking at houses. I saw this amazing house yesterday! Were moving into a nice nieghborhood but Ill be going into a new school. Anyone have tips on how to make friends and stick out at new schools? :idea: ~KK♥

        • sparklegirlLT says:

          Yay! I’m so happy for you Roberta! I would LOVE to have a craft room, and have it decorated by top designers! ~(*)sparklegirlLT(*)

          • blahblahthecatluver says:

            you know, you’re lucky to be moving. i HAVE to share a room, and having fashion experts to redo your house, that is just WOW!!!!! and personally, i want to move. i like our house, but i want to try new things you know???

          • am I says:

            We have two houses and my dad has two job locations, so we have to move every two years, which is pretty disruptive. I just have a sarcastic personality, so I talk to everyone and get along, but I don’t have many best friends. Northwestern is going to go boo-hoo when we leave…

          • Time Bandit...are you sure? says:

            I’m probably more likely to cry over moving, although I have missed my city, home to my favorite baseball team and rock band for a while…

          • Styx fan 101...a search for better says:

            Take the message of “Come Sail Away.” You could be anywhere in life, and suddenly drop everything and say, “I can’t take this anymore!” and it is so hard to carry on, yet if you stay positive and think about finding a better shore of life, things will almost always get better

          • Moonstar says:

            I dislike moving, and I have so much experiance. I have moved 15 times in 5 years! . . -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • blahblahthecatluver says:

            my family has moved only once.

        • gymdog says:

          krystal- Just be yourself,and then u will get the right friends =) don’t try to stick out! u will end up getting friends that r not meant for you. Good luck!

          • Northwestern...I know says:

            Think positive, act optimistic, and be strong, and you’ll be able to get through ANYTHING! :wink:

          • krystalkat says:

            Thanks so much for all the helpful tips guys! I learned to be myself, be strong, and smile! I dont want to friend the populars, just the nice people! Thanks so much for all your help guys! You guys are the best friends a girl could have! :mrgreen: ~KK♥

        • Dragonfish says:

          That is REALLY some good news Roberta!! I can’t wait to see your new room! Wow, and having a craft room AND Cowabelle nearby, thats great. (*(*dragonfish*)*) P.S. krystalkat just be yourself and you’ll be fine. I’ve never moved, but I might have to move after this year. I have the same problem.

        • FLBRJKM says:

          Be yourself Krystalkat and you will have absolutely no trouble making new friends. I have always lived in the same house, but before I was born my family moved from a different state and now I really miss my 18 cousins. ~Jenna

        • Jenna says:

          Will you please add me? I’m FLBRJKM

        • Jazzyunicorn says:

          Hi Krystalkat! Some Tips….Hmm. Well, Always Try to Look Cheerful and Have A Smile On Your Face. That Always Makes People Happy. :)

        • 123alyssa123 says:

          I’d HATE to move…. but it’s okay if you’re near your friends, k? And there are always new ones! Good luck!!!! ;)

    • _starburst_ says:

      Wow Roberta, your house sounds AMAZING! Even though I don’t want to move, I’d love your house! I mean, your own craft room? Awesome! :D I wish I could have that! ;) I can’t wait to see the house designs, it will be really cool. AND getting to live near your BFF? Jealous! I don’t see my BFF often, because I’m homeschooled. I love it, but I miss her. :cry:

      • sarahandlacey says:

        You are the luckyest rabbit in the world! KK, be nice to everyone! Sometimes the not so popular people make the best friends! Your BFF sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

        • HarryPotterDaleks says:

          I’ve only moved once, and I was too little to remember it that well. Sounds like you guys found the perfect house! I have a craft room too, and believe me, it’s going to become one of your favourite places once your new sibling starts walking and talking… I have a younger brother and sister, and it’s nice to have some peace and quiet for a change! :)

    • Jenna says:

      You are so lucky Roberta. I share my room with my sis. I almost moved to a different state a few years ago, but the plan fell through. I have a finished basement except for my dad’s tool room and our storage room. That is so cool. By the way I have always wanted another baby (my youngest sibling is 10)!

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