Roberta’s Homemade Holidays: One Tired Bunny








Know what takes a bit longer than I thought it would? Making homemade gifts. So far, I’ve managed to do the following:

  1. Personalized bookmark for my grandpa.
  2. Tote bag for my cousin Emmy.

And that’s it! Can you believe it?! Two gifts. I’m SO far behind. I’ve got a TON more to do.  I stayed up until 11:00 last night working on the tote bag. My mom found me at my desk, and I thought she was going to yell at me. Instead, she just said ‘go to bed, honey. You’re working too hard.’ Little does she know I still have her gift (and a million others) to make! Do you think I can get it all done in time?!

38 Responses to Roberta’s Homemade Holidays: One Tired Bunny

  1. pinky says:

    ya know what, roberta? ur awesome.

  2. me says:

    take a break, roberta, you deserve it!

  3. MDIChickadee says:

    Roberta! You are the BEST! I believe in you!! You are creative and smart and will find a way to do what you need to do. Hooray for Roberta!!

  4. HarrisonFordFANATIC says:

    It’s nice that Roberta is working so hard to get gifts for everyone. I’m sure they’ll all very much appreciate it. But Roberta, you need your sleep! 11:00pm is kinda late, I can only stay up that late on weekends!

  5. Didelphis says:

    Dear Roberta, Rule #1 for making Christmas gifts: Set reasonable goals for yourself. Don’t tackle so much that you feel overwhelmed, frustrated and eventually resentful.
    Try making presents that can take care of several people at once, like cookies. Make one batch each of three different types of cookies, and give everyone five or six cookies of each type in a plastic bag. Set the bag in the middle of a piece of wrapping paper, gather up the edges, and tie it together at the top with some ribbon — Voila!

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    Yes you can do it Roberta!!!

  7. sarahandlacey says:

    My username is sarahandlacey! :lol:

  8. zxyzxy says:

    No. My sister used to do this every year. She always wanted to make handmade gifts for all of her friends and she had to know she didn’t have enough time but she would start them anyway. Then she would panic and Mom would take pity on her and help her finish them. She should have just asked for help up front. Roberta ought to ask for help too.

  9. starburst says:

    sure u can roberta! if i can knit about a million things, u can make yours too!

  10. sarahandlacey says:

    Yes, Roberta I think you can do it! I love your idea of crafts. So cool! I think I am going to get my mom a new walet. :lol:

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