Roberta’s Living Room: Before and After

When Elwin and I first saw Roberta’s new living room, we were…well, surprised. It was so pink – and so mismatched!

Don’t believe me? Check it out:


Who puts inflatable couches and an air hockey table in their living room? Their pink living room, no less?

We knew right away that we’d have to work hard to make it Designer Elephant perfect. Roberta’s mom actually really liked the pink walls, but her dad wasn’t a big fan. Because Elwin and I believe in compromise, we decided to stick with the pink – but make it much easier to live with. By toning down the color, adding a new floor, and picking up some brand new furniture, we were able to create this:


We knew it was a success when even Robert Rabbit said, “Now THAT’S a living room I can live with!”

What do you think of it, friends?




35 Responses to Roberta’s Living Room: Before and After

  1. TaraStarShine says:

    That is sooo much better. I love the pink and white walls. You have a future in that designing business! ~* Always Shine, from TaraStaraShine~*

  2. sssvert8 says:

    not bad…but not great either.

  3. Eilish says:

    Waaaayyyy too pink. And what’s with a sitting area behind a sitting area?? It could use a window too. Personally, I don’t care for it.

  4. Dandie says:

    It’s still a bit too much pink and girly, but the technology totally makes up for it! LOVE THE CLOCK!!!

  5. fudgeyvanilla says:

    i still think its to pink. its defintly better then the first but i don’t think thats something that would go in my house. (webkinz house and no offense!)

  6. fair! says:

    What about Robertas father! I think he deserves a man cave! :)

  7. tinygma says:

    I like the flowers by the TV but the other plant needs to be moved next to the closit and a table with 4 chairs in this side of the room. That way you can sit and play games with friends at the table. ;) ;)

  8. lovepuppygirl says:


  9. Chopinlover says:

    The living room is okay, and Iove pink, but why pink in a living room??? Also, I really don’t like the chair choices. The sofa is fine, and I love the bookshelf (I have it), the clock, the carpet, and the t.v. The pinks just don’t go together with the chairs. Otherwise, the room is okay!

  10. cathouse2 says:

    Why does a living room have to be PINK? I still like it though! >> cathouse2

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