Roberta’s Party

Stoogles here with some exciting news –we’re planning a ‘welcome to your new house’ party for Roberta! It was Nibbles’ idea, and we all thought it was a pretty good one. The plan is that we’ll all help her move (on May 6). When the moving part is done, Salley, Alex and Molly will make an excuse to leave. They’ll go to Salley’s house and pick up a bunch of balloons, some food and drinks. They’ll bring everything back and surprise Roberta and her parents. I’m just glad Roberta isn’t moving very far away – in fact, she’s closer to Cowabelle than before!








20 Responses to Roberta’s Party

  1. gkvfflowergirl says:

    Roberta’s going to be SO exited! I can’t wait to see how she reacts. ~gkvfflowergirl

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    SUPER IDEA!! I think they will love it (though they could be a bit tired from moving, but if you provide some food and leave quickly, it will work.) Good luck! All the best! MDIChickadee

  3. Gabriella♥ says:

    I’m sure Roberta will love the party Stoogles Googles! After all, everyone knows you’re the best at parties! OK, flattery won’t get noone nowhere… ♥

  4. CoconutCloud says:

    I’m sure Soon To-Be Big Bunny Sis will love the party! Her name’s gonna change to Big Bunny Sis pretty soon! I wonder what her baby sis’s name’s gonna be. ~CC~

  5. Orange Starburst says:

    I agree cathouse2. Meet me at Webkinz? How bout 12:00 noon on Sunday? Does that sound ok? *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  6. cathouse2 says:

    I bet Roberta will love the party! I’m glad you guys are doing that for her! You guys are gret friends! Keep it up! >> cat lover cathouse2

  7. crazygal says:

    that’s so nice! u guys r awesome friends! i wish i had friends like u!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  8. jennifer says:

    It’s so nice that you’re going to help her move. It’ll make it easier on her if her friends spend the day with her. jennifer

  9. Webkinzlover346 says:

    That will be fun!!! She’ll love it!!!!

  10. krystal says:

    So excited! She going to be so surprised! Im moving too and Im going to miss all my friends. Wish you luck! ~KK ♥

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