Rockerz Lion Winners

Congratulations to gwenelle7, Mummabean, danielle1412, lazykoala53, and DragonPrincess, our randomly selected winners for the Rockerz Lion contest! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rockerz Lion.

Adopt the Rockerz Lion any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag!

18 Responses to Rockerz Lion Winners

  1. Princss says:

    Unfortunately I could not enter because it is not work on my computer.

  2. iloveJesus222 says:

    Sally, why did they retire the signatures and stop making them? They were my favorite line of webkinz and the prices are sky high! ):

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      They were manufactured by a third-party and were ultimately too expensive to produce. We are now making more realistic looking Webkinz pets in our regular lines, though.

  3. maloney77 says:

    I miss the 365 days of gifts. I made me look at newz everyday but now I don’t. I have all the gifts from this event. I was hoping for some new ones. I enjoy the different events and try to do them, but I would really like to see more new items and a whole lot less posters. Really getting tired of that. I would also like to see Ganz promote Webkinz more. It’s harder and harder to get pets in our area. I Love Webkinz!! Help us!!!

  4. madeline7670 says:

    Congrats! Love seeing the excited winners! I’m just annoyed… I hate when I go and buy something from the W-Shop and put it in my room, only to find out it’s not even visable/ it’s only half there! Ugh!

  5. barb539 says:

    Congrats everyone and enjoy your pet!

  6. 13carrotpoppy says:

    Congratulations Winners! I wish I won. But I’ll keep trying for other contests! :D

  7. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    Congratulations on your win! Unfortunately, I did not get to enter because the Peek-a-Newz wouldn’t work on my computer, but that’s ok, because I also already have a Rockerz Lion. Once again, congrats! :D

  8. lovlyhorses4 says:

    Congrats. For Michael or Sally or whoever is reading these right now, the new treasure hunt clue for the staircase (obvious answer) is not triggering the map in any order using any browser so far. Please can you look at it? Thanks.

  9. snowandlindsey says:

    Congrats!! The lion is, in my opinion, the cutest of all the rockerz. Uts awesome they made a rockerz a potm. Maybe a signature will be a pet of the month in the future.

    • 2002ganz says:

      Yeah congrats on winning, everybody!!! I was hoping to win, but ya know, it’ll happen one of these days! *fingers crossed so hard they’re turning purple* :)

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Congrats to the winners! I didn’t enter this contest because I already have a rockerz lion with a tag. Unfortunately, I’m not sure where he went… Well, I’m sure he’ll turn up. Anyhow, congratulations to the winners and I hope you enjoy your new pets! ;)

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