Rooster Winners

It’s August 1st, and that means the Webkinz Rooster is the featured Pet of the Month! Adopt the Rooster any time in August to get some cool prizes, including Spree rolls, a Wish Token and, of course, a Pet of the Month exclusive prize!

We wanted to know what your favorite camp activities were! Our randomly selected winners are Caitlyn, Christine, Tiffany, Lucie and Serena! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rooster.

And what’s the favorite camp activity? Swimming!

56 Responses to Rooster Winners

  1. serena says:


  2. julia says:

    even though i have a rooster i still whanted to win congrates to the pepole who did win nice going i forgot to enter the contest

  3. SABRINA says:

    i have a roster but i didn’t enter it in august.
    anyway good job to all!

  4. Nomilalalol12345 says:

    Congrats winners!! i have won a contest once but i used wrong email. :) =) p.s. If you had lost this contest I’m truly sorry and keep trying I bet you’ll win something. Bye webkinz fans! *Nomilalalol*

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