Rooster Winners

It’s August 1st, and that means the Webkinz Rooster is the featured Pet of the Month! Adopt the Rooster any time in August to get some cool prizes, including Spree rolls, a Wish Token and, of course, a Pet of the Month exclusive prize!

We wanted to know what your favorite camp activities were! Our randomly selected winners are Caitlyn, Christine, Tiffany, Lucie and Serena! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rooster.

And what’s the favorite camp activity? Swimming!

56 Responses to Rooster Winners

  1. Justinlloyd98 says:

    Hey great job to all of the winners out their. Lucky Dogs!!!!!

  2. isabelle says:

    i love webkinz newz!

  3. hailey says:

    i want to win soooooo bad! :.(

  4. elephant_in_pajamas says:

    ugh swimming at camping could be fun but the water is to cold! where i camp water to cold! other wise my camp activity would be horse back riding at camping because we can’t take our horses with us!!!!! this is cassidy btw this is a shared account by cassidy connie savannah brittany and lauren

  5. Huntin Tomboy Gal says:

    I agree! :} :[

  6. flamingobelle says:

    congrats caitlyn! i hope i win the Pelican contest!!!!!!!!!!! and you cares if you don’t win the rooster you can always enter other contests too! my grandma loves roosters she would have loved it!!!!:)

  7. flamingobelle says:

    i enter alot of contests but i never win any of them! :( and if you want to be friends my user name is flamingobelle. i hope you want to be friends!!:):)

  8. 9thwonder says:

    great job winners but i think i have seem some of these names before when does someone like me going to be picked its kinda not fair. check your winners gaze!

  9. Ola says:

    im sad i didnt win but congradulations to the winners!

  10. kelsey says:

    I put swiming on and I didn’t win] :

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