Salley’s Detention








Dear Diary,

Tonight I had my FIRST ever detention. I’ve never, ever had a detention before. What’s worse, though, is that I had my first detention with Purr-Cilla.

Yes, that’s right. My nemesis.

See, we had a little fight during the Student Council Meeting and Ms. Cowoline freaked out and said that we had to learn to get along. She went on and on about how we can’t keep fighting because we’re on the same council and we should have the same goals in mind. We had to sit and listen to her for half of our lunch period! And then – and THEN- she said that the only way we were going to learn to be friends was by working together. Thus, we have detention every single night this week and each night, we have a different ‘project.’

Tonight’s project? Cleaning the kindergarten classroom. Not mopping the floors and stuff, but cleaning out the cupboards under the sink (let’s just say a family of dust bunnies was living there quite comfortably), sorting the little toys out (there are so many little toys) and washing the easel (ten thousand layers of paint. That’s how many there were).

Purr-Cilla and I did the everything in silence. The only thing she said to me was “don’t talk to me. This is all your fault.”

This is never going to make us friends. Also, I do NOT want to go to school tomorrow.

-          Salley


47 Responses to Salley’s Detention

  1. alicethecat says:

    Wow! I am sorry that you have detention for a little while. Don’t worry, it will be over soon. Alicethecat will always be with you!

  2. sonici says:

    Its Not JUST Salley’s Fault!! It Was YOUR Too Purr – Cilla!! :( Purr-Cilla Is NOT My FAVORITE Person…

  3. softball girl says:

    Poor sally purr-Cilla is really kinda the 1 who’s causing ALL the trouble i mean like sally mayb just needs to ignor herbut purr-Cilla needs to lay off sally!!!!!!*GO GOLDS*

  4. NovaBeam says:

    Ugh……. I HATE that pesky, snobby Purr-cilla!!!!

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