Salley’s Detention








Dear Diary,

Tonight I had my FIRST ever detention. I’ve never, ever had a detention before. What’s worse, though, is that I had my first detention with Purr-Cilla.

Yes, that’s right. My nemesis.

See, we had a little fight during the Student Council Meeting and Ms. Cowoline freaked out and said that we had to learn to get along. She went on and on about how we can’t keep fighting because we’re on the same council and we should have the same goals in mind. We had to sit and listen to her for half of our lunch period! And then – and THEN- she said that the only way we were going to learn to be friends was by working together. Thus, we have detention every single night this week and each night, we have a different ‘project.’

Tonight’s project? Cleaning the kindergarten classroom. Not mopping the floors and stuff, but cleaning out the cupboards under the sink (let’s just say a family of dust bunnies was living there quite comfortably), sorting the little toys out (there are so many little toys) and washing the easel (ten thousand layers of paint. That’s how many there were).

Purr-Cilla and I did the everything in silence. The only thing she said to me was “don’t talk to me. This is all your fault.”

This is never going to make us friends. Also, I do NOT want to go to school tomorrow.

-          Salley


47 Responses to Salley’s Detention

  1. chihuahualover aka friend maker says:

    What you should do is do something nice for her to let her know ” hey I want to be your friend” and maybe she’ll start being nicer. purr- chilla I know is the rich, selfish, bully But I bet you guys could really good friends.

  2. kittypoo says:

    Salley and Purr-Cilla DO need to try to get along with each other. Purr-Cilla needs to knock off the attitude..she should start thinking about others and how they might feel when she is mean to them. And Salley, she should forgive Purr-Cilla (even if she didn’t say sorry) and be nice to her even when Purr-cilla is mean to her…that would be the best thing to do. And honestly, Salley should feel sorry for Purr-Cilla…Nice people have a way better life..and Salley should hope and pray Purr-Cilla will change her ways! If only they could all get along! I’m on Ms. Cowoline’s side with this one.

    My post is getting pretty long..haha.

    ~I love and care about all of my Webkinz, MAZIN’ Hamsters, and Zumbuddy so much and equally and I will forever no matter what! YAY WEBKINZ!!~ :mrgreen:

  3. DolphinGirl26 says:

    I think Salley needs to be more confident to purr –cilla and too stand tall
    -DolhfinGirl26 :-)

  4. finemilkchocolate28 says:

    I hope that you get out of detention soon, Salley! It will eventually work out between Salley and Pursilla, but Pursilla needs to get a threshold on how she is handling the situation, since she is just making it harder for her and Salley to become friends.

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow. Salley – you need to be extra nice to Purr-Cilla. Do not always do everything she asks, but try to find a way to be agreeable with her, instead of fighting. And, if you get really good at this, you can find a way to say yes and then also have it work for you, too. One of my best friends is really good at this – you ask her something and she always says, “Yes, that is an EXCELLENT idea!” And then she starts figuring out how to make it happen. The funny thing is that whatever I ask for usually does happen, but what happens is not always what I asked for, but sometimes something different, because that was the way to make it happen. It is hard to explain, but keep trying. You do not want to be a doormat, but you can achieve what you want by saying yes and exploring possibilities. And be nice to Purr-Cilla – I do not know what it is that is bothering Purr-Cilla and makes her the way she is, but she seems to need a friend. Try to be that to her, even if she will not be a friend to you. Mrs. Cowoline might have a good idea having you to do these projects together. Even if you do them silently, it will be over soon. Good luck! And Ms. Purr-Cilla: try to be nice and make it fun. If you are a friend to Salley and she is a friend to you, it will be better for both of you, and for the school. Good luck!

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    Aww I feel bad for you Sally…but before you know it the week will fly bye.

  7. AussieGal says:

    Errr, who’s Salley? Who’s Purr-Cilla? Oh, I hate being new to Webkinz and Webkinz Newz!

    Australian 4eva, ♦♦AussieGal♦♦

    • snuggles565 says:

      do not worry u will catch on1 sally is the cat in the pic

    • PikachuHazelNut says:

      Go to Kinzpedia and click on characters. They’re in alphabetical order so you should easily find them in all of the characters. Salley is an ally cat webkinz who moved to Kinzville a while ago. Purr-cilla is a bully who really isn’t friendly. If you want to learn a bit more about Salley then there’s a book at the W Shop I believed called new cat in town? And the story’s about Salley moving to Kinzville. I’m happy to help anytime, and I hoped I helped!

      • MDIChickadee says:

        Also know that both Salley and Purr-Cilla ran for student council – and Salley won, but Purr-Cilla received many votes, too, so now they work on student council together at the Kinzville Academy. Salley is the president and Purr-Cilla is the treasurer. They are both natural leaders.

  8. StarlightMagic says:

    I like Purr-Cilla, and I kind of feel sorry for her. The only reason I think she’s mean because she really likes Salley, but she doesn’t want anyone knowing.
    Salley should not fight in the meetings, and that way Purr-Cilla has no way to fight with her. Salley should lead by example.


  9. FireWolves says:

    Try to be nice to her, like maybe give complements!

  10. sarahandlacey says:

    Poor salley! I think you are doing a great job! Keep up the great work! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

    • PikachuHazelNut says:

      I like Salley, but at the same time I think they both deserve it. They should learn to get along and I agree with Ms. Cowaline. Hope you all have a great day everyone bye!

      • Moonstar says:

        I like Purr-Cilla, and I think that Salley could have stopped this. Salley should be the one who learns from her problems and is the strong one. She is destined to be a good leader and doesn’t have to let Purr-Cillla’s problems get to her. You both just need to learn to put your anger aside to help the school. -Moonstar◙◙◙

        • OceanBay says:

          I agree with you entirely Moonstar! -OceanBay§§§

          • lillyluvie says:

            Seriously? I told you two that something bad would come out of all this fighting. If you two are student council members, you should learn to get along! None of this arguing and yelling. So just become friends and you won’t get in trouble anymore. Talk about your differences with each other. Trust me it works, I had a boy in my class that I used to go to school with. He made fun of me all the time. But then he moved to a different school, then like, 4 years later I moved to the school he is in now. (I just moved this year). BUT now we are good friends! :D :D So our friendship wasn’t good untill 4 years later.
            It takes time. Just work it out! :mrgreen:

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • Moonstar says:

            Sorry Lillyluvie, but I know what you’re saying is the right thing but I don’t think anyone likes doing it. I mean, my arch enemy and I would NEVER in a million years, to save the world, would ever be friends. Some things just don’t change. Salley I think has already given Purr-Cilla time to change and be nicer but does she take that chance? No she doesn’t. Somethings just can’t get better. -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • feelings exactly says:

            I have a few enemies, friends that have betrayed me, or just the bullies. If the betrayed friends apologize, I will forgive them. But I’m not going to make up until they apologize big time, and for those who never were my friends, I’d never friend them for anything.

          • krystalkat says:

            You at least have to be civilized with each other. I wouldnt really agree on that though. I would NEVER be friends with my #1 enemy. Even iif I got paid. :roll:

          • Moonstar says:

            Yah, I mean, I wouldn’t be super rude. I just wouldn’t be ”nice” to my #1 enemy. If I betray someone, I apologize. If they apologize for betraying me, I accept it but am not exactly friends with them anymore. If they repeadeldly be mean, I am never friends with them-again. :) :roll: :evil:

          • Dawnstar says:

            I know I’m changing the subject, but I’m having a lot of trouble with the Mr. Moo challenge and the gardening challenge part 2. I can’t find Mr. Moo (after searching the parks 1-20 on two color zones) and I keep getting MASSIVE homework loads thet keep me from my gardneing. I fed my pet one strawberry, so I need two more and a Mr. Moo ice cream. Could somebody please help me? -*Dawnstar*

          • oldwooffie says:

            I agree lillyluvie. I mean, they at least have ONE thing in common! Student council. And now they have two things in common. Student council, and detention. It was no one’s direct fault, but but they both contributed to the result in detention. I have never had detenton, and plan to never have detention. I hope this will help the fighting against you two. BTW Does anyone know if they are going to do a part two on Molly’s party?

          • Moonstar says:

            1. In my opinion, Purr-Cilla is way nicer (call me crazy if you want) than Salley. Salley just has to find a way to make everything about her, she doesn’t try to improve anything. She worries way to uch on making herself stronger, and not doing what she says she will do. I like Purr-Cilla way more than Salley.
            2. I hope they do another part for Molly’s party. I think it would have been nice if they posted it already though. -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • lillyluvie says:

            Well… I think that Salley can be very nice too. And she doesn’t always do anything the way she wants. But I still like Purr-Cilla more than Salley, because I think Purr-Cilla has good and funny qualitites about her. She is not always worrying about homework and school. ;)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • oldwooffie says:

            Thanks for answering the Molly question, but I think Purr-Cilla is a snob. But Salley gives up to easily. Salley is a bit nicer… Purr-Cilla thinks she is better than everyone else. That’s why I said Salley is a little nicer. Add me oldwooffie
            BTW Purr-Cilla is funny lilyluve, but that’s because she is so stuck-up. It’s hilarious , but she doesn’t try to be funny. They may never be friends, but they need to get along.

          • Northwestern...the story of october 15, 2010 says:

            I sat next to a boy in French class last year, and we got along well, until October 15. I came into class, and his immediate words were: “Don’t talk to me, you’re not good enough for me anymore”. I was so hurt. It felt as though all my energy had drained out of me, and I hurt physically too. I hurt all over, and even still, that wasn’t all that day had for me. I got a call from Kodiak, saying To the frog was really really sick. That night, we met at the vet’s office, where Tom was put to sleep. It was the worst day ever, and it still hurts so bad to even think… :cry:

          • WebkinzFairy...Agreed! says:

            You know, lillyluvie, that just might work! Salley and Purr-Cilla will probably never be friends, but at least they can try to get along at School-Council Meetings! According to the W Tales book “New Cat in Town”, Purr-Cilla started firing insults at Salley the minute they met, and later on, Salley decided to take revenge! And, I don’t think making the two ‘Kinz clean up a classroom will end their permanent argument… ~WebkinzF@iry~

          • lillyluvie says:

            Thanks for agreeing!
            Very true. I think that having them work and clean in silence will just make the situation worse. :(

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

      • Chicago Made says:

        Has anyone ever had a Detention? I once had a Detention when I was like in 5th, or 6th grade. me and my friend both got sent to the Principal’s office. The next day of school, my girlfriend says “Thanks.” and then that was it. Wow, that day was bad. It sure is a day to remember though. Yup! I’m now in 7th. I turned 13 in June. Yay, I’m starting to like my teenage years! :mrgreen: ~Chicago Made

        • Moonstar says:

          Hi Chicago Made. Can you and/or Blackstorm add me? -Moonstar◙◙◙

        • Boston ROCKs...well says:

          There’s this one girl who got me into major trouble.

        • CrazyEpicGirl says:


        • Blackstorm says:

          I had a Detention last year. I got in trouble when I really didn’t do anything (and teachers say I DID). We both had to sit in class by 6:00PM and we had a lot of homework for what we did (when we didn’t do it). It was the worst school day ever. BTW, Moonstar, add me. My username is kirbystar5. Another BTW, SOAD Chick, you didn’t add me. What’s your username again? I would like to know. ;) ~Blackstorm♦♦♦

          • Chicago Made says:

            Oooh. You mean you and your friend? Yeah, you got in a lot of trouble that day, Sister (Blackstorm). :roll:
            ~Chicago Made

    • Scootaloo Chicken says:

      It’s okay Salley! I know how you feel. Once I had to apologize to someone I hate about something I didn’t do! Then I got detention for it. I was SO mad at her.

    • matiepie says:

      I would SCREAM if i had to work with Purr-cilla, but i also think it’s time for the two to get along.

      ♥ matiepie♥

    • kinzklipfan says:

      I know. Poor Salley. Purr-cilla was really mean when she said “this is all your fault”. It was partly each of their faults. I wouldn’t want to go to school the next day either. But today’s MLK day, shouldn’t she have been off school? ~:: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $

      • NeptuneFeline925 says:

        DOn’t worry Salley maybe at the end of this you and purr-cilla will be friends! Maybe she will realize about all fo the things she did to you and apoligize! :D Stay strong! ;)
        ~NeptuneFeline925 ^.,.^

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