Salley’s Conundrum


Dear Diary,

I finally decided who I wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving with: this year, I’m going to hang out with my dad. I mean, that’s the best choice, right? Like, my dad never gets to see me on Thanksgiving…and he really sounded like he missed me. And when I told him on the phone? He was SO excited.

The only thing is that I haven’t told my mom yet. And she’s not going to be happy at all. But at least she has my aunt and grandma to celebrate with. Right?

Ugh. Maybe I’ve made the wrong decision after all.

Maybe I should call my dad and cancel.

Maybe I should just tell both of them that I’ve got an invitation to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving dinner and I won’t be available.

I wish this was easier.

-          Salley

43 Responses to Salley’s Conundrum

  1. Thoughtfulkinzer says:

    I’m sorry Salley :( sort of the same thing happened to me. My dad is going to be in a whole different country on thanksgiving this year! What my family decided to do was to celebrate thanksgiving twice. Once the weekend before with my dad, and once on actual thanksgiving day! I hope you find your answer soon! -Thoughtfulkinzer

  2. hollister says:

    yah, wut u said, and arnt u greatful for both of them? It is time to be greatful girl! You must share this holiday happily! So far, not so good! Cheer up!

  3. Uggluv............ Uggluver79 posting too fast says:

    Ugh, this is really hard :( It will be okay, I promise!!!! I’m happy that I am not in that situation…. ~~~~*Ugglyver79*~~~~

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