Salley’s Feeling Overwhelmed

Oh wow. It’s Roberta. Remember back at Christmas when I decided to make all my presents and it got to be a little overwhelming? Well, I stopped by to see Salley today and boy, did I ever recognize that crazed look in her eye!

I know she thinks that because she has been president of school council she can handle all this responsibility, but she has just taken on way too much. She wouldn’t let us help her organize her clean up event and now she has got a million things to do and Earth Day is just around the corner!

She has been going around the town telling everyone about the event and taking down names of volunteers, she had to meet with the Earth Day committee to coordinate their events, she wants to give an expensive reward to every single volunteer and she has been trying to hit every business in town to ask for donations.

Oh, Salley, Salley, Salley.  I wish she would just realize that getting some of us to take some of the duties off of her shoulders doesn’t make her efforts any less valid.

I’d better talk to the rest of the ‘Kinz, don’t you think?

28 Responses to Salley’s Feeling Overwhelmed

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    Yes round up everyone and see what you all can do to help!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Orange Starburst says:

    I know fudgeyvanilla. Salley WAS my favorite kinz before she started acting all selfish. *Your friend Orange Starburst,*

  3. ruchirock says:

    I just noticed that, Doglove1! Salley, Alley. Things are all better with the help of friends. When you try to take things on by yourself, it’s no good. Voluteers don’t get paid, by the way. They VOLUNTEER, hello here! Anyway, when you clean up without your friends you’ll feel lonely. If friends were willing to help me, I would take it! Some people want alone time, while I want to never have it, or have it less often! So tell others about it, you’ll feel better. And get help, you acn’t do everything on your own. *~Ruchirock~*

  4. fudgeyvanilla says:

    GEEZ SALLEY! LET YOUR FRIENDS HELP EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE! earth day is to have fun while cleaning up the earth. YOUR NOT DOING THAT SALLEY! and to think you were going to be my fav kinz’ …

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    You know, Roberta, if you talked with her gently, she might listen to you. Perhaps you can describe how you felt at Christmas making all those presents and then suggest that perhaps she might be feeling some of that, too. And point out that most great events happen because of great leadership, not because one person does ALL the work. And gently ask if you and the other Kinz may please help her … and see what happens. Respect what she says, but be willing to be there for her. Good luck! All the best! MDIChickadee

    • Dragonfish says:

      Good idea, Roberta. Salley’s in WAY over her head. Also, she doesn’t really NEED to give out donations of money to the volunteers, does she? (*(*dragonfish*)*)

  6. Blythe the artist says:

    I agree with Roberta. Salley needs the ‘Kinz’s help! ~*Blythe*~

  7. oldwooffie says:

    I agree Roberta!

  8. cathouse2 says:

    Salley sure has to do a lot of stuff before Earth day. She should ask her friends for help!

  9. fr3d420 says:

    Salley needs to ask for help & delegate tasks to friends she trusts to do a good job. Which is probably all the Kinz! Roberta, youre a great friend for trying to help her out

  10. gymdog says:

    Sally- come on! i know you want to this on your own,but don’t stress your self out so you can’t get any sleep! Roberta- hang in there,just talk with the other Kinz about it too.

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